Chapter 15: Confrontation at the Pillar

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(Continuing from the last chapter)

Barret: those bastards are gonna do what?!

Tifa: Shinra will blow up the pillar causing the plate to collapse on Sector 7's slums!

Cloud: we need to stop them!

Barret: Jessie, Briggs and Wedge are doing recon at the pillar with some of our soldiers

Y/N: well let's not stand around and do nothing, let's get to the pillar now!

The party left for the pillar while Aerith stayed behind to watch over Marlene.

The four Avalanche members ran all the way to the base of the pillar where they saw some Shinra helicopters scouting the area led by a Turk labeled helicopter piloted by Rude and Reno.

Tifa: they are really going through with this

Y/N: we'll stop them Tifa, and I'm damn sure we will

Tifa: I hope you're right

Cloud: come on

As the party was about to enter the base of the pillar, they were stopped by a platoon of Shinra guards.

Guard: freeze! You're not allowed here!

The party stood their ground and a fight ensued; Cloud and Y/N used their big swords to defeat the guards, Barret used his Gatling gun arm and Tifa used her fists to defeat the platoon.

Y/N: let's move!

The party ran up the stairs of the pillar base to get to the main structure holding up the Sector 7 plate. As they ran up the stairs, they were spotted by the Turk lead helicopter. Reno smirked as he recognized the hooded Y/N.

Reno: there you are, you bastard

The red haired Turk fired the helicopter's machine gun, but Y/N blocked the shots using his Twin Stinger blade, giving Tifa, Cloud and Barret the opportunity to keep running up.

Tifa: Y/N!

Y/N: just keep running!

As the helicopter stopped shooting, Y/N took the chance to shoot using his dual pistols, but Reno tilted the chopper to avoid the shots, giving Y/N time to catch up with the three. The SOLDIER Assassin ran up the stairs and through the walkways killing every guard he can see and stand in his way by drive-by shooting with his dual pistols.

As he was about to climb the ladder, he was blocked by a Shinra chopper.

Y/N: alright, I had enough of you, assholes

The former SOLDIER found cover to avoid the chopper's machine gun and used every chance to shoot down the chopper's weak area, its fuel tank. After some several shots, the chopper spun out of control and crashed down to the ground.

Y/N climbed up the ladder and caught up with Tifa, Cloud and Barret. Then the party saw the two other Shinra helicopter escorts exploded and crashed down.

Barret: that's got to be Jessie's work; Y/N, Tifa go help her out!

Tifa: roger!

Y/N nodded as he and Tifa went to Jessie's location to aid her.

(With Jessie)

(With Jessie)

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