Chapter 21: Battle of the Villa and Departure

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The sound of helicopters and missiles awoken the party at dawn and they rushed out to see it was Shinra. 

Barret: how the hell did they find us?!

Y/N: worry about that later! Main task is fire back!

Avalanche mercenaries got their weapons and fired back at the incoming soldiers. Barret joined in and fired back with his Gatling gun arm. Y/N got on a roof of a building and fired from his dual pistols, providing cover for Cloud and Tifa while they were on the ground.

Y/N looked up and took down two helicopters with his Fira materia attack. Throwing his dual pistols to the side, Y/N saw a large crowd of Shinra soldiers closing in on his friends; the Assassin then charge up his Aero materia and jump down on the soldiers to create a strong wind, knocking the crowd back.

Y/N: don't hold back!

Cloud and Tifa nodded as they eliminated dozens and dozens of soldiers until the final one.

Cloud: where's Aerith?

Y/N: she's safe inside the villa

Mercenary: there's more coming!

They looked to the main gate to see more Shinra forces coming in.

Y/N: don't these guys ever quit?!

The party kept the forces at bay as they used both materia elemental attacks and grenades. Then they saw magic attacks coming from behind, and they saw it was Aerith.

Aerith: look out! They got a giant metal scorpion coming in!

Cloud: the Scorpion Sentinel again?

Barret: looks like those Shinra bastards got contingency plans

Y/N: remember the weakness!

The party took the fight to Shinra more, but Y/N being the risk taker than Cloud decided to run into the eye of the storm with Twin Saber in hand.

Barret: man, he's crazy!

Y/N: come and get it!

The Assassin ran towards the battalion of Shinra soldiers and swung his big sword, sending some soldiers flying.

While the Assassin handled the guards, the party took the fight to the Scorpion Sentinel. However, Cloud saw the fight between Y/N and the Shinra guard; this brought some sudden traumatic flashbacks of the day when Zack made his last stand and passed on the Buster Sword to him.

However, Y/N stood his ground as he used his sword as both weapon and shield as he used his hidden blades as well.

Cloud: Tifa, go help him!

Tifa nodded and ran towards the sea of humanity before jumping up and takes out a couple of soldiers with a Divekick.

Y/N saw Tifa was aiding him, and nodded as the two worked together to fight off the number of soldiers back to back.

Then as the dust settled, an explosion is heard from the villa entrance; the explosion was the result of the destruction of the Scorpion Sentinel. 

This caused the remaining Shinra soldiers to retreat back to their base as Barret triumphantly shouted.

Barret: and don't come back!

Y/N and Tifa ran back into the villa to assess the damage.

Barret: what the hell did they come here for?

Cloud: guaranteed they wanted us dead

Y/N: you alright?

Red XIII: undamaged and safe

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