Cover: SxmplyMoxxi
22 chapters :)
-Homophobia (whole chapter)Clay's POV
I sighed as I stepped out of my bed to walk to the bathroom. Basically, I didn't want to go to school, but I definitely didn't want to be at home. Everything going on at home was the reason why I didn't want to go to school.
It was pretty inconvenient that I was homophobic with two dads. My dads were gay and I was adopted or from a donor or whatever. When I grew up, I didn't mind that I had two dads, but this changed when I went to school with my dads for a day.
Since I was pretty young, people always looked at me weirdly. When I was a bit older and I went to high school, I could show my dads around the school. At first I was proud to show my dads where I was going to school now, but it changed a second later.
Everyone came with their mum and dad and I was the only boy with two dads. I saw parents stare at me, I saw all other students stare at me. I felt uncomfortable and for the first time in my life, I felt weird by having two dads.
The day after that day was pretty bad. I started to get bullied for having two dads and everyone called me insults, slurs and bad things. I started telling them that it wasn't my fault that I had two dads, but they just told me I was a fake kid of two disgusting people.
When I was getting bullied for a year, it was only really hurting me. I still liked my dads, but I talked to them a bit less. When I got bullied for over three years, I started changing.
I got my own opinion and started agreeing with the bullies. Maybe they were in the right and I was in the wrong by defending my gay dads. It was not meant to be and they were weird. I started to feel ashamed about them, I didn't want to go to school with them anymore and when I got brought to school, I asked them to stop five minutes before the school.
I didn't want people to see me with my two dads anymore and I started to find them gross. I disliked it a lot when they kissed each other's cheek. I always went away as fast as possible when they were together since I was disgusted when they touched each other.
I barely spoke to them anymore and when I had dinner with them, I mostly sat down on the couch to avoid looking at them. I knew it hurt them, but I found them gross and I didn't feel like looking at them.
I was disgusted when they touched me, knowing those same hands had touched each other. I always went away as fast as possible and was in my room all day when I was home.
Most of the time I went to my friend, George. George was homophobic, just as I was and I often complained about my dads. He didn't say much most of the time and stared at lot at his hands, but I knew he had the same thoughts as me.
Next to that, I also played basketball once a week. I wasn't amazing, but I didn't want to be amazing either. I just played for fun and mostly to escape the house. I got nauseous by seeing my dads hold each other and acting like they genuinely loved each other.
Sometimes I felt a little bit guilty. They had raised me since I was born, they had even found a donor to get a kid and their kid acted like this. It was probably not fun for them either, but I was sick of all the bullying at school. I wanted to be accepted and I wanted to have friends. No one wanted to be my friends if I liked my gay dads.
Or at least gay, one of my dads appeared to be pansexual and I found him even more stupid for being with a man when he liked women too. Why would you ever choose to be with a man if you could also be with a woman?
My other dad was gay and maybe I found that even more stupid. There was no way that you could genuinely only like boys. I thought I had experienced attraction to girls, although this was so little that I never felt the need to do anything with it. I was sure it would still come, I couldn't even imagine being with a boy.
Sometimes I purposely imagined myself kissing a boy, but I got so disgusted each time that I knew for sure that I was straight. I couldn't understand why my dads liked each other.
I stepped in the shower and took a short shower, drying off just to dress up after. I slowly walked to my dads' room and opened it. I saw my dads hugging each other and made a gag sound, rolling my eyes after. One of my dads' look in his eyes got sad and he stared at my other dad, letting go of him.
'Clay, we need to talk,' one of them said.
'We don't need to talk. I don't want to see that disgusting behaviour and you know that.'
'We are your parents, Clay. It hurts us to see you hate on us, because we are the same sex.'
'You're not even my real dad,' I yelled at one of them. 'You're just some fake idiot that raised me. It's disgusting and it's clearly not meant to be, otherwise you would have been able to get kids.'
They both said nothing and I rolled my eyes. 'I wouldn't even be sad if you divorced. You are pansexual or whatever, just get a wife and talk to me again.'
'I love your dad,' one of them said quietly. 'We love each other.'
'You're absolutely disgusting, just leave me alone!' I yelled. I slammed the door in their faces and ran downstairs to prepare for school.
1023 words
Clay has two dads, but is really homophobic because he got bullied with having two dads for a long time.

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