-Homo/transphobia (F-slur)
-(Mentions) bullying
(Most of the chapter)Clay's POV
TW homophobia (F-slur)/bullying
I stared at George in front of me with disgust in my eyes. He was wearing a dress and makeup and I was never more disgusted by someone than by him.
'What the heck are you doing?' I yelled at him.
George looked at me with a really scared look on his face. He hid himself a bit behind the closet door, but I pushed him on the ground. He fell down and looked at his dress.
'Don't rip my dress,' George muttered.
'YOUR dress?'
George had tears in his eyes and crawled up again, running to the corner of his room. 'MAKEUP AND A DRESS?'
'Why are you doing this? You're so sick, you're so disgusting.'
'I just like my dress,' George whispered and I grabbed his shoulders, pushing him down again, just to kick his chest after.
'You're disgusting, all this time I have been friends with a faggot? Do you really think you're a girl or something?'
'G-gender fluid,' George whispered.
'I don't know what that is and absolutely don't feel interested in knowing.'
'I hate you, I HATE YOU.' I sat down next to him on the ground as I grabbed his dress, hearing a rip sound.
George's eyes filled up with tears and a tear rolled down his cheek. 'You ripped my dress,' he whispered. 'It's my favourite dress.'
'I'm so disgusted by you, I'm so disappointed. I wish I would have never been friends with someone like you, you're such a ugly dumb idiot.'
'I feel beautiful,' George whispered.
'What do you expect me to do? Call you a girl now? Accept you having a disease? Are you gay too?'
'Uh-,' George whispered.
TW abuse
I hit him in his face as the door opened. I saw George's brother run in with his mum behind him and his brother immediately pushed me away.
TW abuse over
'WHAT ARE YOU DOING, IDIOT?' George's brother screamed at me.
'I'm beating your brother who is a faggot and dresses up like a girl. He's sick, he's really sick in his head.'
I saw George crawling up with tears streaming down his face. As he saw that his dad also entered the room, he ran away as fast as possible. I heard him lock the door behind him and stared at his parents and his brother.
'He's so disgusting, I'm sorry to tell you that he's like this. He dresses up like a girl and wears makeup. AND he likes boys as well.'
It was quiet for a little and George's parents shook their heads at me. 'This is so wrong of you, Clay. You really can't do this, you just hurt my child.'
'He's gross, he's absolutely disgusting. I hate him and never want to see him again. He could have given me the disease too, I'm glad I found it out before he passed it over.'
'Can you shut the hell up?' his brother asked. 'My sibling might like boys and wear dresses, but that doesn't make them a horrible person. They are the most loveliest person on this earth and if you say anything bad about them, I will literally hurt you.'
I shrugged. 'Hurt me then, I don't care. I hate him, he's disgusting. He wears dresses and wears makeup, how sick does he have to be. Isn't it obvious that it's a disease? You came out as gay or whatever and George is suddenly gay too. It's spreading in your family.'
'SHUT UP,' George's brother screamed. 'Leave them alone, go away.'
George's dad grabbed my arm and pulled me to the door. He made me walk down the stairs and looked at me. 'Clay, I really don't appreciate this. I can scream at you, but I don't think this will solve anything. You're in the wrong and you better get your stuff together, because I don't want you here ever again if you act like this.'
'I won't come here anyway, I'm disgusted.'
'This is unacceptable, Clay. George has done nothing wrong and you are the one who should respect this. You have been nothing but terribly homophobic and I don't think you actually are. I understand that you're sad after you got bullied because of your dads, but that doesn't make gay people bad. That makes those bullies bad and you're one of them now, Clay.'
'One of them?' I muttered.
'Yes, you are the bully now. You're nothing different from them. You got bullied because of your dads and it hurt you terribly, but you're bullying George now.'
I felt very guilty, but I wasn't going to agree with them. I wasn't a bully for being in the right and telling George that. I started running home and as I entered my place, I saw my dads sit on the couch.
I just had a fight with them when they wanted to have a talk again, that was why I went to George. I looked at one of them and sighed.
'I hate George even more than I hate you.'
'Excuse me?'
'He's a faggot, he dresses up like a girl and wears makeup. He's absolutely disgusting and I hate him. I don't want to see him ever again.'
'Why can George not wear a dress?'
'Because it's for a girl and George is obviously not a girl.'
'When George wears a dress, they are a girl. And you don't have to be or feel like a girl to wear a dress. Clothes have no gender, it's literally a piece of fabric.'
'He's disgusting, I don't want to see him ever again.'
'You're just as bad, Clay. You're just as bad.'
'What? As bad as the bullies?'
'Yes, you are.'
'I DIDN'T HURT-.' I stopped myself as I realised I hit and kicked George and how I pushed him on the ground, ripping apart his favourite dress.
I turned around and ran to the door to lock myself upstairs as tears streamed down my face. They had never gone quicker than they did now and I also never felt worse than I did now.
1027 words
Clay hurts George after walking in on him dressed up in a dress with makeup and gets sent away by George's parents and brother

This Is Me
FanfictionGeorge loved dresses, they loved how they flowed so elegantly in the slightest of breezes, how beautiful dresses looked when George stood admiring them in front of a mirror for hours, looking at every stitch and every sequin. Clay on the other hand...