𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕: 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭

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"Oh yeah, I thought I saw Do Hui Jae around here," said Jae Su as he stretched, tired from crouching. Gang Tae's breath stopped as he heard what Jae Su said. "Are you sure?"

Gang Tae stood up immediately, startling Jae Su. "Hey, I'm not sure but she looks like her," Jae Su tried to calm him down. He looked into the crowd, scanning each person. His eyes widen with shock as he saw someone who looked like Do Hui Jae. "Impossible," he muttered, frantically thinking. Wasn't she locked up in a prison? "Jae Su, stay here and call the police if something goes wrong." He started walking towards the woman, fists clenched in his pockets. Still, he could be wrong. It might be just a random woman. He wasn't going to take any chances though. What if it really is her? What will happen to Sang Tae, Moon Young, or even himself? 

Clearing his throat, he tapped the woman's shoulders. "Excuse me, are you Do Hui Jae?" The woman turned around, shocked by the sudden touch. Her face looked almost the same as Do Hui Jae. He couldn't be 100% sure. The woman relaxed, laughing quietly. "Oh, sorry dear, I'm not Do Hui Jae. I get mistaken as her a lot of times though, her books are unique, don't you think? It's a pity the last book wasn't released," said the woman, smiling at him. Gang Tae sighed in relief as he apologised to the woman for disturbing her. "Don't worry, young man. Have a nice day." She waved at him as she continues walking.

Returning to where Jae Su was standing, he leaned against the wall, his hands ruffling up his hair. "Luckily that wasn't Do Hui Jae," Jae Su muttered, looking relieved. He had his phone with the police number on his screen, ready to call.


TW // physical abuse, blood, manipulation, body shaming

It was pitch black. Breathing heavily, she tried to move. It was a failed attempt, to say the least. Her ankles were tied up, and so were her hands. Moon Young tried to make out her surroundings by touch. "Ouch," she yelped in pain, she had accidentally touched something sharp with her foot, which was now bleeding. "Someone, anyone, please help me," she cried silently. Her eyes were blindfolded. She couldn't believe she heard that voice. It couldn't be that person. It just couldn't. The sound of her cries was getting louder. 

Suddenly, the door slammed open. 'Aish, haven't you learn to shut up?" A voice said, walking towards her. The person kicked her in the stomach and roughly pushed her into the corner. "I-I'm sorry..." she held back her tears, trying to bow to the person. "It's been a long time since you've learnt any manners, isn't it?" the voice sneered, terrifying Moon Young. She hears someone taking a deep breath. "Nevermind, it's alright, now I'm here to help you, is that ok?" the voice was calm, hands were patting her back, soothing her. She nodded, trying to avoid getting hurt again.

"I wish you could see me, but that would ruin the fun. Could you stand up for me?" She silently stood up with the help of the person. She winced in pain when her foot touched the ground completely. "Oh dear, I'll go get a first-aid kit. Sit on this bed and wait for me," the person rushed out of the room, closing the door behind them. Moon Young started sobbing as she tried to lie down. To her surprise, the bed was actually quite comfortable. This room doesn't feel like where a kidnapper would place their victim. Imagining her arms were doing the butterfly hug, she counted to ten. After a few minutes, her breathing slowed down. She lied on her side, slowly drifting off to sleep.

The person took out the first-aid kit. Sighing, they had prepared everything for her. A room, a closet full of clothes, stacks upon stacks of books. They always wanted a perfect family. That is a family with only them and Moon Young. They had removed all windows, except fake ones, to make the outside look normal. Doors that were only opened by scanning their face. They wouldn't want Moon Young back in the real world. It was too dangerous. She has such potential, far better to be someone more powerful, rather than being a writer. With her imagination, skills, she could be the next Do Hui Jae, someone much more legendary than Do Hui Jae. Her silly little children books were quite worthless. They were bestsellers just because of her looks. Speaking of her looks, she needs to change and become prettier. They admired her looks before she released her latest book. They scrolled through countless websites, where fans uploaded pictures of her and Gang Tae. She had gained weight. That had made them scowl. What kind of boyfriend doesn't look after their girlfriend? Now with a scar on her foot, they will make sure she wouldn't get hurt anymore. It was their fault for putting a sharp object on the floor.

Taking a deep breath, they go into her room, smiling when they see her sleeping peacefully. "Psst," they shake Moon Young, "let's treat your wound." She shot up suddenly, screaming and sobbing. "Gang Tae," she sobbed, "where are you?" A frown appeared on their face, she mustn't care about others anymore, except for herself and them. "Shh, he abandoned you," their voice was calm and sounded sad. What? That can't be true, it can't be. This must be a lie. "No, no, no." She repeated, crying even louder. Slap. The sound was long gone but the pain still stung on her cheek. "You shouldn't cry, ever. He was a jerk who left you. Listen, there's still no news of you missing," they played today's news from their phone. Moon Young listened carefully. There really wasn't any news of her. Her heart sank. "If he really loved you, wouldn't you be on the news right now?" The disappointment was obvious in their voice. "Don't you worry, let's get you cleaned up first alright?"

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