𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗: 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

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"It is quite possible that Ko Moon Young might appear if we announce a meet-and-greet event," Sang-in suggested. Click. "Fans from all over the world will be anticipating her return. This will force the kidnapper to bring her out." Click. It had been over a year since Moon Young was taken. Gang Tae and Sang Tae were devasted and unable to go on with their daily activities. Ju-Ri and Sang-in had to take care of them, encouraging them to eat and do other things. After all, the case was not released to the public. All of them had an image to keep up. Click. Click. The room was silent for a moment, except for the sound of the clicking of a pen. Click.

Slam. Sang-in slammed his papers on the table, startling Sang Tae and Ju-Ri. "Oh, will you please stop clicking the pen and say something!" He looked at Gang Tae in exasperation. Gang Tae's personality had changed a lot since then. He went back to his old self, being cold and not emotionally available. Gang Tae put his pen down and pushed his chair back. "If that is the only way I can see her again, then so be it. Let's plan this event."


One month after the decision.

Location: The house where Moon Young and her kidnapper reside.

"Moon Young! Have you thought about your new chapter?" A voice piped up as the door opened. Moon Young turned around in her chair and looked at the person. After a year of being blindfolded, a decision was made to let her see again. The light had hurt her eyes for a few weeks and sometimes she still got blinded by the sudden light coming from the hallway whenever the door opened. "Yes." They smiled happily. "Oh, my dear girl. I knew you had it in you!" They took a step forward and run their fingers through her hair. It had grown longer, back to the original hair length she once had. Jewels glittered in her hair as they clipped a few strands of tiny diamonds in her hair. "There," they took a step back to admire her, "you look so beautiful." Moon Young stared ahead, the light in her eyes has longed dulled. She began to daydream, thinking of the moments she had with Gang Tae. Slap. She heard them sobbing. They slapped themself again. "I am a bad guardian, my child wouldn't even thank me for my hard work." Moon Young hurriedly stood up from her seat and went towards them. She took their hands in hers and apologised profusely. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't hurt yourself." Tears began to roll down her face. They pulled her into a hug, Moon Young's face buried in their neck. "Don't cry now, dear. Your face must remain beautiful." Smiling, they patted her back, soothing her. 

After a few minutes, Moon Young slowly calmed down. The person, now looking warmly at her, spoke up. "What about discussing your story over dinner?" It was a simple question, but the tone and expression they had were much more fearful to Moon Young. She nodded quietly and followed them out of the room. The lights were dimmed to accommodate her eyesight. "See, I care for you so much," they talked while they led her to the dining room. "Do not ever betray my kindness." They warned, sternly. Moon Young stopped in her tracks. She saw the cat she had been given as a pet, laying weakly on the floor. It meowed softly, almost as if it was going to take its final breath. She kneeled, slowly reaching to cradle the cat. Before she could reach it, her hands were slapped away. "I told you not to betray my kindness, Moon Young. The cat is not worthy of your love, I am the only one that you should love. I only kept it alive since it would break your heart if it died." They pulled her roughly from the floor, dragging her to the table. They laid a table napkin on her lap and took their seat across from her. "Now, let's eat."

As they scrolled through their phone, Moon Young looked at her plate. Everything was just greens, no meat or rice. She didn't dare to look up to avoid accidentally looking at the phone screen. The first time she did it, she was locked in her room and forced to hear the cat not being able to make a sound after getting beaten. A small laughter came from them. "May I know what has entertained you?" She asked, slowly picking up another spoon of vegetables to eat. "Thank you for asking, Moon Young. Well, it seems here that you have a meet-and-greet event in two months' time. Well, I guess we have to start practising our body language and speech!" They clapped happily.


A few days before the event.

"Remember to hang that up!" Sang-in called out to the worker, pointing to the banner that would be shown outside the building. They had planned to gain as much attraction as possible, inviting reporters and aspiring writers from different parts of the world. This would make sure that the kidnapper would have no choice but to bring Moon Young along. The head psychologist at the police department had determined the kidnapper to be careful about Moon Young's image, seeing as random images of Moon Young showed up at the Ko's family house. It was the only evidence that Moon Young was still alive.

Cameras were being set up by reporters, as well as hidden ones by the police. Bright lights filled the entire arena, with books written by Ko Moon Young stacked on the bookshelves. Behind him, Gang Tae ran into the arena, taking off his mask and cap. Gang Tae had become a small celebrity, and seeing as he is still the lover of Ko Moon Young, he garnered attention as he proudly promoted Moon Young's stories and success. "Is everything going to run smoothly?" He asked, taking a look around him. Sang-in nodded, showing him around. "That table will be where Moon Young will be sitting and meeting the fans, as well as doing some interviews. Also, is Sang Tae ready for his official debut? A few reporters would like to interview him as well." He inquired, turning around to ask Gang Tae. Gang Tae took out his phone to check the schedules and nodded. "Hyung should be alright. The doctors said he has been more confident lately." 

Sang-in clapped his hands to get the people's attention. "Alright everyone, let's get this show on the road! Ko Moon Young will be returning to the media!"


It was the day of the event. Gang Tae walked in the halls, hearing the fans chanting Moon Young's name. Sighing, he opened a door that led to the upstairs viewing area, where he could see thousands of fans waiting in front of an empty table. The table Moon Young is supposed to be sitting at. As he turned around to continue walking, he stopped in his tracks. She was there, all dressed up and blindfolded, sitting on the bench.

Author Note: Hi! Apologies for not updating this story. I just finished my national exams last week and now I'm preparing for college. I remembered about this story and decided to finish writing it as a closure. The next chapter is the last chapter as I planned two years ago. Enjoy!

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