𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 - 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐚𝐞

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Sang In was pacing in the hallway. He was shocked to see the news. Furthermore, his experience tells him that fans will disturb the couple on their trip. Buzzz. He took out his phone and panicked when he saw Moon Young's name. Taking a deep breath, he answered the call. He was welcomed by Moon Young's shout and her angry voice. Stumbling backwards, he quickly regained his position. "Yes Moon Young. Well Sang Tae is going to have a meeting soon so bye!" He quickly hanged up and went to find Sang Tae. "Aish, that man," grumbled Moon Young.

Sang Tae was sitting at the table in the cafe. He was preparing his notebook and drawings. Kim Eun Jeung was arriving soon. He had to do his best to earn money because he is the older brother. The bell rings and Kim Eun Jeung walks in, followed by Sang In, leading her to Sang Tae. "Hi, Mr. Moon." said Eun Jeung, smiling. "Shall we start the meeting?"

Gang Tae was observing Moon Young while she checked the surroundings for more fans. To her, they were ants who wanted to steal him. He chuckled at her, she looked adorable when she was worried and annoyed. No, she looked like a fierce lioness who wanted to mark her territory. I'm glad I am in her territory, thought Gang Tae.

He sat up properly when he saw Moon Young coming back. She was holding something in her hand and she looked mad. Gang Tae jumped when Moon Young slammed the door after getting in. "Let's go somewhere else," she muttered. "Wha- What?" Gang Tae was stuttering, his heart was beating fast and he was getting scared. "I said," Moon Young looked like she was going to explode. Instead, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and counted from one.

Gang Tae was worried, looking at Moon Young being stressed. He removed his seatbelt and leaned towards her. "One," she muttered. He removed hers as well. "Two." He opened his door and went to her side. "Three." Moon Young's eyes opened in shock when she felt herself being carried. She looked up and saw Gang Tae. His eyes were fierce and protective. He opened the side door and carried her to the couch area. He made her lie down on his lap. Neither of them made a sound. Gang Tae sighed and caressed her hair. "Moon Young ah, what happened?"

She held up the item. It was a camera. Their fans were going to record them after they left. Fortunately she saw the camera and went to disable it. Gang Tae felt his insides burning up. A sudden rush of anger filled inside him. How dare they disrespect their privacy? This time it was Moon Young's turn to calm him down. "Relax, we will just sleep here for tonight and leave tomorrow morning," she said, sitting up and shifting closer to him, "okay?" She gave him a peck and pulled in for a hug. They stayed in that position for a few minutes. Gang Tae nestled on her neck, inhaling her scent.

"Come on, let's just snuggle tonight," he sat up, carrying her to the place where they usually sleep. He laid her down and opened the skylight window. Moon Young snuggled closer to him, their hearts beating to the same pace. The sky was full of stars, glittering across the night sky. Soon enough, they fell asleep, Moon Young wrapping her arms around Gang Tae.

"Mr. Moon, thank you for your time," said Eun Jeung, giving out her hand to shake his. "I can't wait to see your sketches." They had a productive meeting. Eun Jeung's new book was about the nightmares disabled people suffered. Sang Tae could help out with her story since he also suffered nightmares. He had to draw out the nightmares, making the readers feel the emotions.

"Alright," muttered Sang Tae. He took out his sketchbook and start drawing simple sketches. There was the person in a wheelchair, frightened by the sight of cars passing by. He got into a car accident when crossing the road and caused both of his legs to be amputated. There was the person who was one a victim in a war when they were young. The sight of fire or sounds of explosion made them go crazy. There was the person who was abused since they were a child. They shrank at the sight of blood and the sound of someone yelling. He drew more and more, the pages quickly filled up with his sketches. Then there was him, the boy who was afraid of butterflies. The butterfly pin on the lady who killed his mother made him ran away every year when spring came.

"Mr. Moon?" Sang In was at his door. "Y-Yes?" Sang Tae stood up, quickly hiding the sketches. "Hyung can I come in?" And there was Jae Su too. "Yah Jae Su, why aren't you working?" He opened the door. In his face was a stack of pizzas. "Surprise!" Sang In and Jae Su came in, putting the pizzas on the table. "Oh.. oh what's this for?" Sang Tae was shocked at the sight of so many pizzas. "We're celebrating your new work!" His face lit up. "Yes.. yes my work.. are you proud of me?" He smiled, looking at them. "Yes, hyung!"

The sunlight shone through the skylight window. Both of them woke up from the piercing sunlight. "Good morning," muttered Moon Young, turning around to continue sleeping. Gang Tae hugged her from behind. "Come on, we should leave this place," said Gang Tae, lifting her up. They laughed while they twirled around. Moon Young wrapped her arms around his neck and looked at him lovingly. He kissed her forehead, then her nose and lastly her lips.

Soon, they were on the road again. They called Sang Tae for a video chat. They told Sang In to get him a better phone. "Hello?" Sang Tae's face filled the screen. "Hey hyung, congratulations on your work!" Gang Tae smiled at him. "What about me?" Jae Su popped up on the screen. "I managed to open a pizza place in Seoul. "Congratulations to you too, Jae Su," said Moon Young, smiling at the screen. "H.. How are you guys doing?" Sang Tae asked while he went around to clean up the room. "We're going to another campsite now," explained Gang Tae. "No, I don't think you should." Now Sang In was also talking. "Yah, why are all you guys in a room?" Moon Young asked, annoyed. "One thing, we celebrated with pizza and soju last night. And second, the news somehow found out that you guys are on a road trip and fans are waiting at almost every campsite to see you guys. If I were you, I'd better go home or go to a hotel instead," said Sang In. Moon Young's face lit up at the suggestion. "Gang Tae, shall we go to a hotel?" Her smirk made Gang Tae's heart beat faster. "Aigoo, I should leave you lovebirds alone. Bye!" The call ended. "We shall." Gang Tae grabbed her hand and off they went back to Seoul, Moon Young messaging Sang In to book a five-star hotel that she loves to go.

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