𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 - 𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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It had been a few months since the couple came back from their trip. The caravan was parked outside next to Moon Young's and Gang Tae's car, whereas the garden next to the mansion was turned into a place for them to have picnics, campfires and barbecues. Sang Tae visited once or twice a week, sometimes staying at the mansion like the old times. He was quite busy with his illustrations. His first book with Kim Eun Jeung became a bestseller and they had became friends. He was on his second project with her and this time they were still thinking of what to write. Moon Young on the other hand, was busy renovating the mansion, mainly because of the bad memories that kept reminding her of her past.

"What do you think?" She asked, looking at Gang Tae. The mansion's exterior was still almost the same as she didn't want to get rid of what her father had built. The interior wasn't as gloomy as before. Lights filled the hallway that had pictures of their friends and family. The old chandelier was replaced with a modern chandelier, multiple lights hanging from the ceiling. The library was dusted down, the books were rearranged properly. The place where Moon Young used to work was replaced with a large TV and a few sofas. She didn't touch Sang Tae's place as she understood how much he hated other people touching his stuff. Most of the furniture were replaced with newer and better ones. Gang Tae had insisted on donating their furniture to the poor and Moon Young agreed. The people were really happy with the couple until the hill where the mansion stood wasn't considered a curse anymore. The kitchen was more or less the same, just some upgrades to the stove and refrigerator. "It is great," smiled Gang Tae. "Now here comes the surprise." Moon Young pulled Gang Tae out of the mansion and they went to the garden.

The garden had extra space after they had cleaned up to have a space to relax. Moon Young wouldn't let Gang Tae know what she was planning to build there and everyday when he came home, there was a construction wall covering the front part of the build. Today however, the wall had been taken down. Standing in all its glory, was a building, its roof and wall were connected with a curved surface, while the other three walls were completely made of glass.

 Standing in all its glory, was a building, its roof and wall were connected with a curved surface, while the other three walls were completely made of glass

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The interior was much more stunning. Bookshelves
covered the wall, filled to the brim with books, mainly children books and illustrations. "This place is going to be my office now," said Moon Young, "since the office building was sold to settle the lawsuit." Gang Tae thought of the memory, Moon Young almost stabbing the man's eye. That was when he taught her the butterfly hug. "Do you still remember the butterfly hug?" He asked, curious whether she, the woman of his dreams that gets angry easily, actually used it other than the one time when she did it in the hospital. "Yes, of course." She replied, smirking at him. "And usually, a trauma should be faced-on like this," she pulled him towards her. "Instead of trying to soothe from the behind," he continued her sentence. He crashed his mouth onto hers. They were in the moment until they heard someone interrupt. "Hey Gang Tae... AHH!" They broke apart, surprised by the scream. Annoyed, he turned around and saw Jae Su, staring at them with his mouth opened wide. "Yah, why did you come without giving me a heads up?" Gang Tae was flustered from realising his best friend just saw him kissing Moon Young. Jae Su lifted up the pizza boxes. "Moon Young ordered pizzas and told me to invite the others for a celebration," he laughed and continued, "luckily I am the first person to arrive."

At night, laughter filled the dining room. Sang Tae was talking about his new project while Sang In adds in his part. Gang Tae was drinking a lot while Jae Su and Seung Jae watched him drink down another shot. Ju Ri and Moon Young listened to Sang Tae while laughing at how drunk each other looked. Ju Ri's mother chuckled at the sight of the table, preparing some dishes. They had a fun and sweet time to bond with each other.

"Alright time for us to go back," yawned Jae Su. Ju Ri's mother took their coats while Sang In called for a cab. "Alright, have a safe journey." Gang Tae put his arms around Moon Young's shoulders. They waved at them until they were out of sight. "Do you remember that I said it wouldn't be good for us to be drunk at the same time?" He asked, leaning next to her. "Why?" She looked up. "Because this," he kissed her.

Moon Young woke up to Gang Tae beside her, snoring. She smiled and ruffled his hair, causing him to wake up. "Good morning," she whispered, giving him a peck. He grabbed her and hugged her tightly, burying his face into her hair. "Sleep." He stroked her hair and sang her a lullaby. She chuckled at his singing but soon drifted off to sleep once again.

When he woke up, she was not beside him. He panicked and raced down the stairs. The smell of toast and eggs filled the hallway. Curious, he walked into the kitchen and saw her cooking. He smiled and went to hug her from the behind. "Good morning," he looked at the plate of toast. "I finally managed to not burn the toast!" She said happily, pointing at the plate. He laughed at her cute action. They had their breakfast while chatting, the feel of home filled the atmosphere.

"Alright, I'll go buy some groceries," he took his wallet and phone. "Do you want to follow?" She shook her head and gave him a hug. "I feel like resting today but have fun!" She kissed him and waved him goodbye. At the grocery store, Gang Tae didn't know which type of wine she wanted. He took out his phone and called her.

Bzzz. Moon Young picked up her phone and answered it. "Miss me already?" She chuckled. "I do miss you but I wanted to ask which type of wine do you want?" He asked, a bit flustered. "Oh I want-" "Hello Moon Young ah." She stopped mid sentence. That voice, it couldn't be that person. She turned around and everything went black. "Moon Young? Are you there?"

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