𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲

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Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, Gang Tae and Moon Young watched Sang Tae get into Sang In's car with tears in their eyes. "Bye guys! Ko Moon Young, Moon Gang Tae!" shouted Sang Tae, looking out of the window and behind him, where the caravan was going the opposite direction. Moon Young and Gang Tae looked behind them, smiling and waving.

"Bye! Don't fight, guys! A kiss is better than a fight, okay?" The couple chuckled while Sang Tae continued shouting. Gang Tae took her hand in his and continued driving. "Moon Young ah, listen to hyung, we better kiss than fight," he said, smirking at her. He lifted her hand and rubbed it with his thumb, making her blush. Once they arrived at a place with a beautiful scenery, they set up their table to eat. Gang Tae looked at his watch, realising he forgot something. "Moon Young, I'll be back in a few minutes," he shouted running into the forest. A frown formed on her face, Moon Young sighed. "Aish, what is he doing?"

He ran into the forest, hoping that person was still there. "Jae Su where are you?!" He shouted, looking around frantically. "BOO!" He jumped and turned around to see his best friend scaring him. Jae Su was on the ground, laughing hysterically. "Yah, stop laughing," he was annoyed but continued talking and helping Jae Su up, "Did you bring them?" Jae Su took out a box and gave it to him. "Here, stop being impatient. You made me ride Alberto all the way here just for this." Gang Tae quickly took the box and hid it in his pocket. "Quiet down or else Moon Young might hear you." Jae Su acted sad and said, "Last time all you cared about is Sang Tae and now all you care about is Moon Young. What about me?" Gang Tae was already walking away while yelling, "Thanks Jae Su I owe you one!" Jae Su threw his helmet to the grass. "Aish that darn Gang Tae and his lovesickness."

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When Gang Tae came back, Moon Young was already sleeping, her head lying on the table. He stopped in his footsteps and stared at her lovingly. Even when sleeping she had an ethereal beauty. He walked quietly towards her and caressed her head. His head laid beside hers, watching her sleep. His finger reached out towards her face and touched her nose. "Hi there sleepyhead," he whispered. Moon Young woke up and saw him smiling at her. "Where were you?" She pouted. "I waited for so long." Gang Tae took her hand and kissed it. "I'm sorry, we can eat now." The couple had a simple dinner which consisted of cup noodles and samgyeopsal.

After finishing their meal, they admired the sunset. Gang Tae's hands were around her waist, his head on her shoulder, taking in the fragrant smell of Moon Young. He supported her body when she leaned against him, closing her eyes. They stayed there for a few minutes, enjoying the silence they had. "Moon Young ah," he whispered into her ear. "Yes?" Her voice was sweet, making him melt. He turned her around. Moon Young gasped in surprise. He was down on one knee. "Moon Young ah, I love you so much. I bought this for you." He took out the box and opened it. Moon Young closed her eyes, too excited to see what he had in his hands. "You can open your eyes now," he said. Opening her eyes, she sees two lockets. Confused, "Wait, aren't you proposing to me?" she asked. Gang Tae laughed and took the locket, putting it around her neck. "Not yet, here's a gift I want you to have." Moon Young remained silent, stunned. The locket had their selfie in it. "We can record each other's voice," he said, putting his locket around his neck, "So when we miss each other we can press this button to listen."

"Alright, let me record my message on yours and you record your message on mine," Moon Young pulled him closer to her, "but first, tell me your message now." Gang Tae looked into her eyes and saw the meaning of what she was saying. He cradled her face and gave her a long, sweet kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. He bent down and carried her in his arms, lifting her off the ground. He guided her legs to wrap around his waist. His tongue was tasting her mouth. "It's better to kiss than fight," he said in between kisses. Moon Young stroked his hair, her touches making his body feel as if he's on fire. "I'm sleepy, Gang Tae." He nodded, bringing her into the camping van. Stepping on the stairs, he accidentally missed a step, causing them to fall backwards. Moon Young quickly put both her hands behind his head, trying to protect him. Thump. They stayed in their position for a few seconds before starting to laugh. "I fell for you, Moon Young." He gave her a peck on her lips.

They were lying on the floor of the camping van, Gang Tae's arm wrapping around her shoulder. "You know, it will be our second time to do this." Moon Young looked up at him. "Yes, and this is the second time we fell down before doing it." They smiled at each other, remembering the moment.

"Carry me," she said, looking at him. "Alright." He lifted her up, his jacket falling from her legs. Reaching the door, Gang Tae tried to open it but lost his balance, causing both of them to fall. "Oof sorry," he chuckled. Moon Young crashed her lips on his. Gang Tae picked themselves up and open the door while continuing kissing her. He pushed her onto the bed and leaned over her. "Moon Young, I love you a lot."

The next day, they were still sleeping as they stayed up the whole night having fun. Moon Young was wrapping her legs around him when they were sleeping. Her head was on his chest, sleeping peacefully. Gang Tae woke up, his arm couldn't move because he wrapped it around her the whole time they were sleeping. He lifted his hand and massaged her shoulder. He shifted a bit and looked at her. He smiled, thinking of the night before. He leaned towards her and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Good morning, Moon Young," his bedroom voice woke her up. She yawned and opened her eyes sleepily. "Let's continue sleeping." She turned around and pulled the blanket over her head. "Yah, let me join you," Gang Tae lifted the blanket and went underneath it, hugging Moon Young from the back. The touch of their bare skin made them feel warm. "You know, we should get ready soon, hyung is coming back today." She snuggled in his arms, taking his hand and kissed it. "Alright, you go first."

"I want to do it again, do you?" She asked, looking up at him. "Anything for you," he answered, lifting her up and putting her on top of him. "Thank you, Moon Gang Tae," she leaned in for a kiss. Rain poured down but the sounds could not distract them from being in love.

At night, when Moon Young was asleep, Gang Tae took her locket and recorded his message. "Moon Young ah, I'm sure you are missing me or I'm not with you when you are listening to this. Anyways, remember that I love you and you will always be Ko Moon Young, the woman I loved since I first met you. I hope you are doing well and I can't wait to see you." He put the locket back around her neck and laid down. He pulled her in for a snuggle and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well, Ko Moon Young."

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