𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 - 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞

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Silence. There was no answer. Gang Tae was starting to worry, his mind frantically thinking what had happened. Crash. And the phone call ended. That was the last straw for him. He gave his shopping cart to an employee nearby and apologised. Sprinting towards his car, he dialled Sang In's number and asked him to check up on Moon Young. "Moon Young ah," he muttered, weaving through the cars, all that mattered to him at that time was Moon Young's safety.

Reaching home, he got out of his car and rushed to the door, Sang In tailing behind him. He ran to the dining room, stopping in his tracks when he saw the scene. There was shattered glass on the floor and the chairs were pushed aside roughly. The broken phone on the floor made Gang Tae's heart stop.

"Hello? 112?" Sang In was calling the police. "I think someone I know has been abducted, I will tell you the address." He walked out, leaving Gang Tae alone while he answered the questions the police were asking. "Moon... Moon Young," cried Gang Tae. He fell to the ground, hands in his face.

It had been 10 minutes since the police arrived, gathering all the evidence. Gang Tae was quiet, processing everything that has happened. Seung Jae and the others had arrived after knowing what happened. Sang Tae was going around, trying to find out what had happened to her. "Ko Moon Young," he muttered, looking around. In the corner of his eye, he saw a gleaming object behind the curtains. Drawing the curtains aside, he realised it was the pin. The pin that haunted him for years. "AHHH" He started screaming, stumbling backwards. "Sir? Sir!" The policemen were trying to calm him down. Hearing his screams, Gang Tae stood up and immediately ran to his brother. "Hyung! What is it?" Sang Tae was ruffling his hair, screaming. "Don't touch my head! The butterfly is back!"

Gang Tae's face fell. No, it can't be. Do Hui Jae was in prison. There couldn't be a way for her to get out. He kneeled down, hugging his brother, calming him down. After Sang Tae relaxed, the others brought him to another room to let him get away from the pin. "Sir, I think you should check on Do Hui Jae, she might be the one behind this," he muttered to the nearby police officer.
The police officer nodded, taking out his communication gadget, "Hello, this is officer 204. I would like to confirm if inmate 390 is still in their cell." They waited for a few minutes until they got a reply, "Ok, thank you." The officer put down his gadget and turned to Gang Tae. "Do Hui Jae is currently in her cell screaming after she heard the news." I guess even she would get worried about her daughter that she calls a project, thought Gang Tae.

For the past few days, Gang Tae had to sleep next to Sang Tae. He wanted to make sure his brother did not have any nightmares about the butterfly pin. Unfortunately, the nightmares came back. "Hyung, I was thinking," Gang Tae was at the dining table, where Sang Tae was drawing. "I think we should go on a short trip but we are not running away again, alright?" Sang Tae looked up, his facial expression calmed. It seemed that did the trick. "Sure..." He muttered, turning back to his sketchbook.

After Sang Tae had followed Sang In to work, Gang Tae sat down and opened his computer. He was looking for somewhere outside of Korea, where Sang Tae could relax and forget about the pin. They had been to all of South Korea so anywhere might make Sang Tae remember about the pin. "Alright, Serengeti," he stopped reading. Serengeti was where Moon Young wanted to bring him to. Moon Young, tears started to form in his eyes. He started crying. "Moon Young," he sobbed, "I miss you so much." He had sat there crying for an hour or two until Jae Su arrived, knocking on the door. He stood up, wiping his tears and took some deep breathes. He opened the door and Jae Su looked up from his phone, his eyes widening. "Ya Gang Tae, what happened to you?" He inquired, looking worried. "Oh it's fine, I just want to know where Hyung and I could get our passports made."

They spent a few hours scouring the Internet, booking appointments to get Gang Tae and Sang Tae's passports made, finding suitable hotels and tourist spots. After much of a hassle, they had finished their planning. Gang Tae started packing some of Sang Tae's things into a luggage, while Jae Su searched up the address where they had to go to get the passports. "Alright, let's go and get Sang Tae," said Gang Tae, wiping his forehead.

Upon reaching the office, Sang In brought Sang Tae down, calling a cab for them. "There is no way three people would fit on a motorcycle," Sang In sighed, looking at Jae Su. "Don't talk about Alberto like that," Jae Su whined, "he is perfectly fine!" Everyone laughed. It was the first laughter ever since Moon Young had been missing. "Sirs," the window of the cab lowered as the driver put his head out, "are you gentlemen going to sit in the cab or not?" Their faces flushed as they apologised, getting into the cab.

"Thank you sir," Gang Tae handed the driver the money as the others got out. Standing at the entrance of the office, the looks on their faces were priceless as they had never had to make their passports. After a few hours of asking the workers and signing documents, they were finally done. Unfortunately for Gang Tae, a horde of fan girls crowded around him when he got out of the office. "Oppa! Where is Ko Moon Young?" One of the girls shouted as Gang Tae tried to make a run for it. He didn't want Moon Young's disappearance to go public. Thinking of a lie, he sputtered, "Uh, she's at home, writing a new book." He ran to Jae Su and Sang Tae where they were waiting for him.

"I guess you have a fan base now," chuckled Jae Su, as they hid in a corner, waiting for the girls to leave. Gang Tae sighed as he remembered the time where he and Moon Young got surrounded by her fans. "Oh yeah, I thought I saw Do Hui Jae around here," said Jae Su as he stretched, tired from crouching. Gang Tae's breathe stopped as he heard what Jae Su said. "Are you sure?"

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