𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 - 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐬

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"Good morning Gang Tae," Moon Young whispered, opening her eyes. Looking at him peacefully sleeping made her smile. They were cuddling each other since last night, they were even naked. Seeing the locket on his chest, she took it and sat up. She caressed his face and said, "I'll be going to record my message now, Gang Tae."

Gang Tae tried to hug Moon Young but all he felt was air. He opened his eyes in a frantic, looking around. He was alone in the caravan, Moon Young was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, the smell of bacon drifted into the caravan. Standing up, he opened the door to see what was happening. Moon Young was grilling some bacon and with a tinfoil on the grill, there were eggs frying. He must have stared at her for a few seconds. She was the most attractive person he has ever had the pleasure to meet. Feeling like someone was staring at her, she turned around and froze at the sight of Gang Tae naked, staring at her. "YAH!" She yelled, standing up. "What are you doing out here naked?" Walking towards him, she pushed him back and closed the door. "Come out when you have worn some clothes," she said, smirking at the confused Gang Tae who was now staring at her through the window. She waved and turned around, going back to the grill.

What should I wear? Gang Tae thought to himself. Moon Young was wearing a loose white blouse with blue jeans this morning. Alright, time to find something to pair with her outfit. A few minutes later, he walked out of the camping car, delighted to see the breakfast she prepared. Moon Young looked up, she gazed at him, happy to see that he worn matching outfits with her. Gang Tae wore a simple white shirt with blue jeans. "Thank you for matching with me," she stood up, walking towards him. He pulled her in for a hug. "Anything for you."

She pulled away from the hug and reach into her pocket. She took out his locket and put it around your neck. "Now we're really matching," she smiled brightly. Gang Tae laughed and carried her bridal style to the table. They ate their breakfast while Moon Young sat on his lap. "Where will we be going next?" She asked, mouth full of food. "You'll see," Gang Tae replied and fed her some more.

It was Sang Tae's first day of being an official illustrator. Sang In brought him to Seoul and gave him a hotel room to stay in. They were going to meet a famous author, Kim Eun Jeung, who wrote specifically about disabled people. Her stories reflected the difficulties of being disabled and it taught a lot of people about them.

"Today.. today is the day," he mumbled while gathering his supplies for the day. Knock. Knock. "Mr. Moon?" Sang In's voice asked. "Come.. come in," said Sang Tae, still putting on his shoes. "I can't, only you can open the door, Mr. Moon." Sang In explained. "Oh then wait for a while."

Sang In smiled to himself. He is going to introduce Sang Tae to Kim Eun Jeung. She had recently signed with his company and he can't wait to see how Sang Tae's popularity will grow. "I'm.. I'm here," said Sang Tae, opening the door. "Alright Mr. Moon," said Sang In, taking the art bag from Sang Tae, "Let's go."

The couple was driving along the road, Gang Tae's hand in Moon Young's hand. They had cleaned up the campsite and continued on their journey.

Moon Young was fast asleep, her mouth open. They were at a red light, waiting to pass. He looked at her and chuckled. He leaned towards her and kissed her. "What happened?" She woke up, yawning. "Nothing, just you being adorable with your mouth open." Gang Tae kissed her cheek and her hand. "Yah, focus on the road," nagged Moon Young. "And how long more?" She was getting impatient. They had been on the road for a few hours. "Just 15 more minutes until the next campsite," replied Gang Tae.

Soon enough, the sign that says Busan appeared by the roadside. Moon Young looked outside in awe. The scenery was beautiful. But something was different. There was a crowd of girls waiting at the campsite. "Huh, that's weird," said Gang Tae, looking confused. The campsites are usually empty at this time of the year.

Driving by the crowd, they swarmed around the caravan. "MOON GANG TAE!!" The girls screamed. "We love you!" Moon Young was shocked at first but she became angry really quickly. "Aish, what are these ants doing here?!" She was getting annoyed. She took out her phone and scrolled through the news.

Does the author Ko Moon Young have a boyfriend? Last month, Miss Ko had written a new book, titled "Finding the Real Face" and held a book launch at OK Psychiatric Hospital. In the livestream, people noticed that Miss Ko was arguing with her illustrator, Mr. Moon Sang Tae. His brother, Mr. Moon Gang Tae tried to break up the fight but tripped and fell. The audience online were attracted by Mr. Moon Gang Tae's handsome looks and fans started investigating. Apparently he is Miss Ko Moon Young's boyfriend and they are in love. Stay tuned for more information about the couple.

"YAH! What is this news talking about?!" She yelled at the phone. Gang Tae jumped in his seat, scared of Moon Young being angry. "Calm down," he said, taking her hand, "I'm sure they will leave soon."

"Gang Tae-ssi, can I date you?" One of the girls screamed. Gang Tae immediately put his hands up, showing an X. Moon Young smiled at him. "Let's go and fix this mess," he took opened the door and went to the other side, opening the door for Moon Young. The girls were surrounding them. "Are you guys really dating?" Gang Tae took Moon Young's hand in his and raised it for everyone to see. "Yes," he replied, "We are dating. So please respect our privacy. Thank you." He smiled. The girls sighed and slowly one by one left the campsite. "Let's hope this won't happen again." Moon Young took her phone out and called Sang In. "Yah, can you shut the reporters and news up? Me and Gang Tae's trip was ruined by fans."

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