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AN:this chapter is for Jimin!

(I don't care who is rightI only protect who I want to~)

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(I don't care who is right
I only protect who I want to~)

"Kiki, do you want to come with me to my class party today?" Jimin asked as Kiki made her coffee in the dinning room. He asked his fluffy hair bouncing to the side when he tilted his head gently. "Class party? Kiki asked turning around. "Is Tae coming too then? Will they let you bring me?" She asked walking towards Jimin and sitting down. "No, becuase Tae is in a different class and it's not the same place. I'm pretty sure they will let me bring you.. I mean." Jimin shrugged and nodded. "Alright then! Im excited to see who had a big cruSHHHH on you!" Kiki laughed before running off into her room. "What time do WE leAVE?" She shouted on her way up. "In an hour hurry up! AND NO ONE HAD A CRuSH ON ME YOU IDIOT!" Jimin shouted laughter in his voice.

A while later the pair was ready, standing by the company door and waiting for the car to pick them up. "I hope your friends don't hate me, after all im the date of what the hottest guy in their class." Kiki laughed as Jimin hit her on the arm.
"Stop joking around, don't you dare mention it in front of my class mates. Or i'll-" Jimin said but was interrupted as the car stoped in front of them.
"Come on then hyung, we don't wanna be late." Kiki laughed as she pulled him along and getting into the car.
After a 30 minutes drive they arrived at a fancy looking restaurant. By then, there were already people and paparazzi crowding around the front door. The car left and drove another round around the building before dropping the pair at the back door. "I'll see you two later." The driver GeYong said before leaving.
"Come on then." Jimin said holding Kiki's hands and going into the restaurant. The restaurant was definitely a place for dress up, everyone was dressed in high standard. "Is this like a really fancy place?" Kiki asked as she looked around.
"I don't know, first time here." Jimin said walking forward to the counter.
"Hello, I was wondering where the class meet for Korean Arts High School?" He asked the flustered lady at the counter before getting the location.
"5th floor princess lets go." Jimin said walking back and leading Kiki to the lift.
"Agh-im so nervous.." She rubbed her hand together before the lift arrived on their level.

The lift door opened to reveal the large hall with people seated inside.
All heads turned their way as they walked out, it's not like these two weren't used to the attention it's just that it was awkward how the whole hall silenced as they came out. "Hey guys, long time no see." Jimin said breaking the awkward silence. Kiki waved and let her hand slide out of Jimin's hands.
"Wow, you brought a date Jimin?" A high pitched voice sounded from the near back of the crowd. Kiki mentally sighed knowing it was the MinJi girl who had a unhealthy obsession over Jimin during his time in high school. "Yeah I did, this is-" MinJi interrupted him and looked at Kiki.
"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled sweetly at Kiki, reaching her hand forward for a shake. The smile was a little bit too sweet. Kiki was able to see through the fake look plastered on her face, she didn't like it. "It's nice to meet you too." Kiki smiled back taking the hand and shaking gently. Jimin nodded at his classmates that he himself barley recognised. It was safe to say, not many people here had a good relationship with each other. After all, in their class everything was competition even this party today was to compare and compete with each other to see who was the most successful.

They sat down with Kiki looking around aimlessly before her attention was pulled back by Jimin tapping her hand. "Kiki, I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back soon." She nodded and put her attention back into the small talk the people on the table were making with each other. "So Kiki, how does it feel to live with 7 boys?" The same girl MinJi asked making Kiki startled at the sudden attention she received. "Oh-it's really not much difference.." She answered, looking to see if Jimin was heading back.
"Oh yeah? Tell us, whats the trick you used so that BigHit accepted you?" A girl with long brown hair who was sitting next to MinJi asked leaning forward with fake interest. "I-trick?" By now Kiki has caught on with what they were interrupting. The smile disappeared and she looked at the girl who asked her the question.
"Ah-I see what you mean. You're saying every single idol needs some trick to be successful right? Well, its called having talent and hard work." She bit out, swallowing the insult she had on the tip of her tongue. The girl paused before shamefully looked at MinJi as if she has somehow failed their plan.
"You know I have always wanted to be an idol-" MinJi started again easing the awkward silence. By now Jimin was walking back, he furrowed his eyebrows when he caught sight of the girls in his class putting the target on Kiki.
"Hey guys, just received a call. Our manager is calling us back for some urgent meeting." He said pulling Kiki up with him. "It was great seeing you guys again, we are going to head off now." Jimin nodded his head before proceeding to leave.
"You know, it's okay if your embarrassed Kiki. Obviously being with 7 boys is a pretty slutty- especially when you don't have talent and-" MinJi said matter of factly making the friends of her laugh quietly. Kiki's face changed, she was not only hurt she was angry. Yet she didn't want to cause a scene in front the classmates of Jimin.
"Shin MinJi, you call my bandmate slu-. Did you somehow forget how you dated out science teacher just to get higher grades? At the same time dating Daehyung?" At the mention of science teacher and Daehyung MinJi paled, she moved in her seat trying to keep her posture.
"You dated our science teacher while dating me?" The boy Daehyung spoke up looking towards MinJi.
"Oh sorry, did you not know. I guess I wasn't suppose to say that huh?" Jimin looked back tilting his head provoking her. "Apologies."
MinJi looked up with no motion to apologise.
"In case you didn't know, our company can file a case against you for verbal harassment and fake rumour spreading." Jimin continued only to have MinJi interrupt.
"No, i was just joking around. I-Im sorry if i offended you in any way Kiki. It was just to joke around." She stuttered out earning looks from the others around.
"Well that wasn't the best joke. I'm sure you won't like me telling everyone you got rejected from BigHit so that's why you hate me right?" Kiki said before pulling Jimin along and leaving.

Once they were out of earshot Jimin slowed down and looked at Kiki.
"You alright?" He looked down at Kiki's face.
"Im fine, that was nothing. She's just jealous.." Kiki said smiling up. "Seriously hyung, it's alright." Reassuring Jimin Kiki took hold of his hand and nodded.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have even left..or bring you here. I forgot about the problem with MinJi." Jimin said pulling a hand through his hair.
"I'm really okay, but if you want to make it up to me..." Kiki said a cheeky grin spreading across her face. Jimin looked towards her and saw through her smile.
"If you bring me to eat HotPot..I might just forgive you.." She said pretending to wonder.
"I see, well HotPot it is!" Jimin laughed slinging a arm around Kiki and walking out of the restaurant.


Thank you for reading-this chapter was requested/inspired by someone who dont want to be unknown~ ohH interesting.

Remember to voteee~

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