Best friends

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Nothing here is directed at any of the idols mentioned, its just used for the story line..thank you!

(In here we are gonna pretend Irene, is the same age as Kiki okAY? Good)

You promised you would always be here...where did you go~

where did you go~

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Sitting by the cafe window Kiki stared out at the busy city of Seoul. 2 hours ago, she received a message from Seulgi..something she didn't expect. They only have each other's contact because they shot a drama together a while back in 2017, they don't really talk anymore...mainly because of Irene. So, we can say it was extremely shocking to suddenly receive a text asking to meet up. However Kiki still agreed and now sat 10 minutes early at the place they have planned to meet at. Thoughts ran through her head, what could Seulgi possibly want?
"Hey, Kiki?" A familiar voice rang from behind her chair. Turning she saw Seulgi, standing there with her arms on her side.
"Oh! Gosh, hi Seulgi. Sit." She said pointing to the seat opposite her.
"Thanks.." Seulgi proceeds to sit, she shuffles and after that it was silence.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" Kiki asked picking up her vanilla lattae and pretending to be extremely interested in the cinnamon sprinkled on top. "'s um-its about Irene." Seulgi said with hesitation laced it her voice. That name 'Irene' was the word Kiki hoped not to hear today. It was the name she has chose to forget about, it hope of better things. Yet as soon as Seulgi pronounced the name of Irene, every nerve of Kiki's body moved to the familiar name. Every single brain cell she has, went to this special person in her not long ago past. "What about her?" After a pause Kiki asked. Seulgi took a deep breathe as if there is a huge amount of information coming her way. "Make it short..." Kiki added on, Seulgi nodded.
"Irene-she's she has been...mentally, unstable recently... depression, anxiety and eating disorder is happening to her. With hate and other idol things to face, she's really not coping well." Seulgi said her voice trembling. Surprise, sparks of worry lit up in Kiki. Don't let it show... was what she told herself. "Why are you telling me?" Was the answer Kiki decided to go with, a question that won't make herself revel her true and raw emotions. "You are-were her best friend...she misses you Kiki. All those years ago, she coped because you were there. Irene had someone to talk to, to rely on. Now she has no one...not even us, her band mates can be enough support for her." Seulgi blurted out, unable to stop the truth from tumbling out her mouth.
"If she really needs me and misses me...she shouldn't have done what she did 3 years ago." Kiki said, pushing her rising emotions and spoke. Looking Seulgi dead in The Eye. Seeing the pain in Seulgi's eyes made Kiki's heart shake, that was her best friend...someone she told everything to, someone she use to trust..use to, use to was the key word. It meant before, not anymore.
"Irene is sorry about what happened, but please she really needs you..." Seulgi pleaded once again, unable to take the pressure and pain any longer Kiki gave in. "Fine, but this doesn't mean I forgave her. It does not mean she suddenly can get back into my life." Putting down the rules first, Kiki mentioned. "I understand, you have time today?" Kiki nodded
"Lead the way Seulgi."

red velvet's dorms:

Entering their house Kiki took off her shoes and followed Seulgi. Nervous, anxiousness was filling her body, but she reminded herself she was here to see make sure she is okay. Nothing else. Nothing.
"Kiki, this is Irene's studio...I think you might want to talk alone with her?" Seulgi said softly pointing to the closed door.
"Yeah sure, thanks." Seulgi nodded before she walked away.
Pushing open the door, darkness surrounded her.
"Irene?" Kiki called, softly.
"Kiki!?" A familiar voice called back. Memories...happy ones, painful ones, sad ones...everything she has tired to burry deep came flooding back, it was like water filling a tank. In this case she was the tank, and it was about to be filled to the brim. However, in all those years she has been a idol, hiding your feelings and putting on a smile for the camera has become a usual for Kiki.
"Yeah, Seulgi said you were i came to see you." Kiki said walking closer to the table.
" fine you can leave." Irene said not bothering to turn around.
"Well, I didn't come here to see you back and then speak two sentences and then leave... so yeah im not leaving." Kiki said matter of factly before sitting down on a chair. "Seulgi said you wanted to talk, what do you want to say?" Even though Kiki wanted to put down her cold facade, but she knows, Irene wasn't the girl she knew 5 years ago when she was only 17.
"If you are here out of pity, I don't need it." Irene replied not looking Kiki in The Eye once.
"Out of pity? No definitely not, I am here because I dont want my ex-best friend committing suicide. (PLS guYS, Irene is perfectly finE it's just the story liNE!!)
Irene looked up shocked before avoiding eye contact again.
"Can we please meet up and talk about this some other time? I don't want our first long talk in 5 years to be me in a messy state and in my bedroom/studio." Irene asked, pushing her hair back and sighing.
" we can, but this is one of the few days when I actually have time and came here with permission, and let me tell you my Hyungs have been very worried about me seeing you." Kiki said straight forwardly not caring about her feelings at the moment. "I know, I will ask Seulgi to contact you..." Irene said, she was just about to ask for Kiki's number when she stopped. Knowing Kiki probably don't trust her enough for that. "Don't bother Seulgi again with our shit, my number is the same as before didn't change it." Kiki turned around and smiled. "Also you won't mind if I bring seven human beings with me right?" She asked. Irene curiously looked at her for a second before catching on. "The rest of bts? I- sure..." knowing Kiki it wasn't a question it was a statement, a heads up for her not asking for a opinion.
"Call me, and please don't share the information on social media again please..."with that Kiki left the room.

Outside Kiki greeted Wendy and Joy who was silently sitting by the table. Seulgi who looked purely worried. Seeing Kiki walk out of the room they all stood up. "Ki-.." Seulgi began
"Don't worry I didn't kill her... I told her my number she will text we next time. You don't have to be the in between person anymore..." Kiki smiled genuinely before heading to the door. Seulgi walked behind her and sent Kiki out. Just as Kiki left the dorm and was about to shut the door she said,
"Seulgi, take care of Hyun-ah... until I see her again okay?" Kiki asked letting herself breathe.
"Promise Kiki.." Seulgi replied, slightly shocked but nodded.
"Good" with that Kiki left..

The moment Kiki got into her car, she called her hyungs. "Jinnie- I can't.." letting herself free and her emotions free tears feel from her face as she called Jin.

To be continued.....

aGAIN I'm so sorry for not updating for so long!!

I promise next chapter will be out soon
Hope you enjoy

~Luv Min-Haee

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