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natasha romanoff x reader

3rd person POV:

You both knew the importance of work, it was one of the things that you were both sceptical of prior to your relationship, but you both worked around it. You were a world renounced businesswoman and Nat was well... an Avenger so that's enough said. No one expected you two to click but somehow you did. For 10 months. The closed-off ex-spy with the blunt outgoing entrepreneur, it's safe to say that neither of them was eager to be the first to say I love you. but they did. It was a cold winters night, the snow falling down heavily outside your apartment, in which you were alone until you hear a knock on the door. There stands a redhead who simply looks like she went through one hell of a day. Exhaustion plasters her face, her legs looking like they'll give in at any time. Only you could notice the tears that were fighting to leak out as she gave you the tiniest hint of a smile. You smile at her sadly before she warms into your embrace, sighing as she does. 

"I couldn't save them. Not all of them. I failed," She whispers quietly into your shoulder, as your hand runs through her hair, "I just- I should've saved them Y/N."

"Hey shh, it's okay, we all know you did your best and that's all you can do. Some is better than none Nat, you did good princess, I promise," You reassure her, the state of your girlfriend surprising you.

"But I-" 

"No buts, I'm not letting you beat yourself up for this Natasha, okay?" You cut her off, not letting her finish her self critique.

She sniffled almost unnoticeably, squeezing you even harder as your fingers trace small patterns in her back to calm her down.

"I love you," Nat admits quietly, in a hope that you didn't hear.

"I love you more, pretty girl" You reply, a smile forming on your face.


2 months had passed since then and right now, you were in Paris on a business trip. Or so your girlfriend thought. You were meant to be in Paris for a week but in reality, you only spent a few days there, 2 of which were business, the last to find her favourite pastries to bring back. You knew how Nat hated when you were away so an early return would suffice as a nice surprise.

However, when you flew back to the compound, you were the one surprised.

"Have you seen her?" You asked around, traipsing into the Avengers' kitchen.

This place had become a home to you, and the others who lived there slowly became family.

"Indeed I have not, but if you're looking for someone to replace her I would suggest myself," Tony replies, looking up from his plans.

"Unfortunately for you I am not looking to replace her," You answer smugly.

"I'm pretty sure she went down to some club with Wanda, the one we always go to," Sam inputs as you grin.

"You fucking legend, this is why you're the best," I answer as he smirks.

It wasn't unusual for them to be at the clubs, honestly you, Nat and Wanda frequently made visits down here. And this actually allowed you to surprise her better. You weaved through the tightly knit crowd and made a beeline for the bar, knowing you'd find the Sokovian there. 

"Hey Wands," You greet, making her jump a little.

"Jesus Christ," She replies, pulling you in for a hug, "You're gonna kill me one day."

"Mhm, I love you too," You grin while she makes a face at you, "Care to tell me where my beautiful girlfriend is?"

"Uh, first room on your left I believe, she was having a drink with a friend," Wanda answers as a brunette comes and kisses her on the cheek.

You raise your eyebrows at the interaction before heading off to find Natasha. God, you missed that girl more than you'd care to admit, if it was your way, you'd take her on every damn trip you went on. You waltzed into the first room on your left, only to have your heart stabbed in every fucking spot. 

In front of you was a blonde girl.

Straddling your girlfriend's lap.

"Oh my fucking god," You let out, as both girls stop, silence creeping in as they do.

"Shit," Nat mumbles as the other bitch scrambles to grab her stuff, shooting you a somewhat apologetic look before scurrying out.

"I thought you weren't into blondes," You laugh bitterly, struggling to keep your anger down.

"Y/N I'm... How are you home already?" She replies, scratching her arm.

"Oh yeah that the important question here isn't it? I'm back early because I wanted to surprise my girlfriend but hey, I think you outdid me on the whole surprise thing, didn't you?" You snarl, as her eyes drop.

"I didn't mean to, I swear it just kinda happened, it-it was a one-time thing, please baby," Natasha tries to say while I bite back the tears that threaten to fall.

"Save the crap Natasha," You snap, "I always felt terrible when I had to leave you, but I guess you really made the most of it."

"It wasn't like that," She argues, her voice still remaining soft.

"Really? Well, at least you can do this little gig of yours all the time now," You answer, as fear spreads on her face.

"Please Y/N we can work this out just like we always have-"

"God Natasha, you just cheated on me! Do you not understand that at all, how could I be with someone like you?" You shouted, tears beginning to roll down your face, "You are such a fucking terrible person and you don't even realise it."

"You don't mean that Y/N..." She says, beginning to shake.

"Yeah. I do. And the worst thing is, you deserve to be happy, but you go and do this every time life is looking okay for you. You go and sabotage yourself and you hurt whoever you need to in between," You cry out, "You don't fucking care about me, you just care about yourself, Natasha."

"You know that's not true, I-  I love you. So fucking much. I love you more than anything and you know that!" She replies, half begging half trying to reassure us both.

"We wouldn't be here if that was true," You sigh, running through your hair with your hand, "Out of everyone I never expected this to come from you."

"God, I am so endlessly sorry it's just- I don't know, I got drunk and I missed you and- and she reminded me of you and I got lost in it all," Natasha weeps, yet no tears fall from her eyes. 

"I did love you Natasha I really did."

The use of past tense made the redhead swear a piece of her shatter.

"But we both know I deserve better than this," You sob, aiming to keep some of your dignity, "Enjoy your life."

You turn to leave as Natasha reaches out to grab your shoulder.

"You said you could never hate me, is that still true?" She pleaded, already knowing the result.

"No, it is not. I guess we're both liars then, huh?"

A/N- Hey baes I've been wanting to update this for ages and I apologise because honestly, this is really shitty, but it's exams weeks and my mental health is deteriorating rapidly so that's always great. BUT on the good side, my final ones are tomorrow and I have a whole bunch of prompts that are SMUTTY or just happy that I'm gonna continue! anyways I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU FOR 1K READS WHAT LEGENDS:) if you're American or from somewhere else in the northern hemisphere, enjoy your summer break, and if you're from the southern hemisphere have a spectacular winter <3 

also im sorry this was lowkey sad, it was the only thing I was motivated to write

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