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Author POV

In a forest a boy wake up with a jerk. He was sweating badly and breathing heavily. He breathed in and out to calm down. He does his morning chores and go downstairs. And sit besides a girl.

Boy- Good morning jan.

(So the girl is jannat)

(So the girl is jannat)

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Jan- Good morning sid.

(And the boy is none other then the hero of the story siddharth)

(And the boy is none other then the hero of the story siddharth)

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Jan- again the nightmare. (she said while passing a cup of tea)

Sid- yes, this will not over till my revenge is not over.

Jan- correction OUR REVENGE. (She said while emphasizing the word our revenge)

Jan- your training is over i guess?

Sid- yes a week ago but still you are stopping me from taking revenge. Why?

Jan- Try to understand sid you have to know many thing.

Sid- yes, like about whom is written in the book? And how did you get the book? (He said while raising his eyebrows)

Jan- you have to wait for sometime. I promise I will tell you everything.

Sid- when will you tell jan. I have asked you many times but you only say " wait for the right time you will get answers of your all questions". (Mimicking her).

Jan- ok so day after tomorrow is your birthday. I will give you all the answers of the your questions. Fine?

Sid- yes ( excited)

In Baghdad palace

A girl is sleeping on a king size bed. She wake up due to sun rays. She does her morning chores and goes to practice room and start practicing sword fighting. When someone enters the practice room. Calling the girl.

Someone- avneet you are here and I am finding you all over the palace.

( So the girl is avneet )

Avu- anushka you know that I love to practice sword fighting

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Avu- anushka you know that I love to practice sword fighting.(she said while keeping her sword aside.)

(So the girl is anushka)

(So the girl is anushka)

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Best friend of avneet. Lives with avneet in Baghdad. She loves avneet as her own sister. Knows sword fight,archery,martial arts. Knows a lot about medical herbs also. A overexcited person. Fun to be around person.

Anu- You know what is tomorrow (she said excitedly)

Avu- what is tomorrow (she says while thinking)

Anu- Tomorrow is your birthday. How can someone forget her own birthday.

Avu- Yes, tomorrow I am going to be 23.

Anu- I had already invited all the friends. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Avu chuckles seeing her excitement and says

Avu- Tomorrow is my birthday or your birthday?

Anu- Ofcourse your birthday is their but why are you asking(she said confusingly)

Avu- Because you are more excited than me so I thought that it is your birthday.

Anu- whatever (she said while rolling her eyes)

Avu- I have to meet abbu he has called me in his room.

They both left from their to go to king(avneet's father).

So that's for today.

Please comment how was the chapter hope you all enjoyed.

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I will give a update very soon.
Bye guys and take care.

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