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Sid was waiting for day to end. So he could know the truth. He was becoming impatient and had tried to ask jan many time but the answer was same that he will get to know in evening. Sid has cut the cake which jan had brought.

 Sid has cut the cake which jan had brought

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In evening

Jan- sid let go for a walk.

Sid- ok but when are you going to tell me what I want to know.

Jan- sid I will tell you in the way

Sid- where are we going

Jan- surprise. Have patience bro.

Sid- ok

Jan- so start from the start. So I will tell you a story.

Sid- story??

Jan- you want to know the truth or not.

Sid nodded like a obedient child

Jan- so 25000 years ago. The time when the fear of 5th demon lord was on peak. God was also having a fear of 5th demon lord because he was the most skilled and powerful warrior. In anger he killed his own son. After that incident he slowly started changing. He want the god and demon to be together. He was going to sign the treaty of peace between god and demon. The high rank demon protest the decision. But he was determined for that, so he was at the boundary of god and demon island.
(She was cited in between by sid)

Sid- But as much as I know both island are too away from each other?

Jan- It was joined at that time. It was divided later.

Sid- if that two islands were joined than how can they got separated?

Jan- will you let me continue.(she said irritated )

Sid- ok

Jan- he was about to sign the paper but demon betrayed him and attack gods. Gods were not ready for a sudden attack. Demon lord take out his magical sword and divided the island. Due to which his sword get damaged and also he was at the verge of death but before dieing he made a new magical sword was more powerful than the old one. He hided the sword and locked the sword in magic. He promised himself that he will come and destroy demon. His last word were" I will come back and take revenge". His rebirth can only unlock the magic on the sword and take them.

Sid- but why are you telling this to me?

Jan- because....

That's for today

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