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Author  POV

In Turkey palace

A boy is sleeping on a king size bed. When someone came in the room and wake him up.

Someone- wake up faisu.

Faisu- 5 min more mom.

( I am using FM for faisu's mother)

FM- faisu you know that we have go to Baghdad for avneet's birthday.

Faisu- I know mom (getting up and sitting straight)

FM- so get ready we are leaving after 2 hrs.

She said and left

Faisu- get ready fast faisu or else mom will give a whole lecture for been late(he said to himself)

He get ready and left to the hall where his father and mother was sitting and discussing something important

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He get ready and left to the hall where his father and mother was sitting and discussing something important

Faisu- what are you talking( he said while sitting on the couch)

(I will use FD for faisu's dad)

FD- we have heard that demons are threatening all the kingdoms to surrender many have already surrendered so we all think how to counter it.

Faisu- l have suggestion can I tell.

FD- Ofcourse.

Faisu- They are going to attack if we didn't surrender so you can talk to other left kingdoms to attack them together before they can attack.

FD-  I will think about.

FM- we should leave now.

They left for Baghdad.

So that's for today.

See you soon with next chapter

I know this a small chapter but there are many mystery are waiting to be unfold in next chapter.

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