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My head started paining and I bank out. I slowly open my eyes to found myself in a hut. Master Red was sitting near me.

Red- you are awake. How are you feel now.

Sid- my head is paining.

Red- it mean you are connected to the martial art system. This system will help you to see opponent's status, health point and level.

Sid- I am not getting anything.

Red- their are five stages of martial arts that are human,earth,sky,heaven and divine. Each one is divided into ten parts. Like one star human till ten star human. Then from one star earth to ten star earth. You have gain experience point to level up. Level upping to next level will be hard from before.

Sid- how to use this martial art system.

Red- their are different type of martial art system. If you got a nice martial art system you will get more experience point and many more benefits. For activating martial art system you have to focus on your mind.

I focus on my mind it started pain but I kept focusing till I heard a voice

'Congratulations the host has activated a divine level martial art system'

I open my eyes. The headache is low now.

Red- what martial art system you have?

Sid- didn't you hear.(I ask been confused)

Red- the martial art system is connected to your mind only you can hear what it is saying.

I nodded in understanding

Red- now tell what level martial art system you got.

Sid- I got divine level martial art system.

His eyes was wide open. After some time we spoke.

Red- you have a divine martial art system. As I know you are the only person with divine martial art system but you are at one star human stage.

Sid- how to know that I have been level up.

Red- the system will tell you. Focus on your mind.

I do what he asked me to do and I can see something written in my mind.

Host- siddharth nigam

Stage- one star human

Experience  point- 0/50

Martial art skill-  Not get till now

Health points- 20

Aura- after five star human

Special skill- not get till now

Coin- 0

Sid- what does aura and martial art skill mean. And how will we get experienced point?

Red- aura is power you get after you reach five star human. Light brown, dark brown aura from five star human to ten star human. Light green, dark green aura from one star earth to ten  star earth. Light blue,dark blue, from one star sky to ten star sky. Pink, purple from one star heaven to ten star heaven. Yellow, white from one star divine to ten star divine.

Sid- and what about martial art skill?

Red-  you will get skill when time came. Your aura will combine with your martial art skill. The higher your stage the higher damage will be caused by your skill.

Sid-  how to gain experience point?

Red- by killing different kind of species and by killing people.

Sid- what killing people.

Red- it depend on you. If someone try to kill you then you have to kill him. But till then you can kill animals of the forest. Even a rat or ent can give experience point. But they are to low but good even for one star human.

That's for today

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