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Man- I am master Red. You are alive because you are given a chance to go back to earth again. You are at the realm between the earth,heaven and hell.

Sid- Is my sister also alive. Has she got the chance.

Red- yes but you can't meet her. I have saw great power in your soul. I want to see what you are capable of. So you have to live away from other.

I was happy that my sister is safe.

Sid- but how will I go back to earth.

Red- you have to prove yourself. This realm is also know as martial art realm. Every five years a competition held. If someone win the competition he/she is granted to go back to the earth. Came with me.

I followed him to a room in the forest. The room was made of crystals. My mouth was wide open. It was beautiful. I followed him inside the room. Their was a red crystal ball kept at the centre of the room.

 Their was a red crystal ball kept at the centre of the room

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Red- you have put your hand on it for 10 seconds.

I nodded and go near the crystal ball and kept my hand on it.

With avneet

Avneet POV

Everyone put hand of it and my head started paining and I saw everyone has a headache. What is happening here.

Green- you mind has been connected to the martial art system.

Avu- what that mean.

Green- This realm is also called as martial art realm. Every five year a competition is held and the winner can go back to earth. Your mind is connected with the martial art system. You all has your own martial art system inside your mind. Their are five stages of martial arts. First one is human level, second is earth level , third is  sky level, fourth one is heaven level and last one is divine level.

Faisu- what this martial art system do?

Avu- yes what will it do and is it going to be their when we go back to earth?

Green- This will help you to see enemies status, power level and health point. The higher the level the higher  will be the health points and the attack will be also strong. And yes you will have the this system inside your mind after you go back to earth but if you die your soul will start its journey toward hell or heaven.

Avu- How to use this martial art system.

Green- you have to activate it. Focus on your mind.

I focus on my mind suddenly I hear a sound.

'Congratulations you have activate the sky martial art system'

I open my eyes but this voice was coming from my mind.

Green- their are many martial art system you will get the one which your body is capable of.

Avu- I have a sky martial art system.

Faisu- I also have the same.

Faisu, me, jan and abhi was having a sky martial  art system and riyaz, anu and vaish was having earth martial art system.

Green- it is rare to have a sky level martial art system but you are still at the level of human stage. You have to gain experience point to level up. Their are ten divisions of every stage. Like one star human, two star human to ten star human after ten star human you will be at earth stage and every stage is divided into ten part.

Abhi- how can we gain experience point?

That's for today

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