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AD- So avneet, faisu, riyaz,anushka and 8 skillful guards will accompany you.
Avu- ok dad we are ready.

Faisu- yes,we will do this to safe our kingdom and people.

AD- ok, so get ready you will go day after tomorrow.

All nodded and left.


Sid saw two beautiful but dangerous swords dig in a stone.
He moved toward swords and take them out.

He moved toward swords and take them out

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 As he take out both the swords the swords move toward each other and get mixed with other

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As he take out both the swords the swords move
toward each other and get mixed with other. He was shocked to witness something like that for the first time. A new sword come toward him. As soon as he touch the sword he got his memory and power back. He saw his new sword in his hand caressing it with his hand.

And started exiting the forest

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And started exiting the forest. He saw jan standing there smiling at him. He smiled back at her. They headed for there house and slept.

Next Morning

They where having there breakfast

Jan- sid, what is the plan

Sid- we will attack the weakest post of demons. This way they will not get to know because demon do not care about weak post.

Jan- idea is good but what about numbers. We are only two and that post have 500 demon.

Sid- for winning a battle numbers do not matter the think which matter is skill, power and intelligence. Which we have more than those demons.

Jan- still we should get someone on our side. I have idea.

Sid- What?

Jan- I have heard that some princess and prince with some gaurd are going to attack on northern most post of demon. We should join them.

Sid- but how?

Jan- I have a plan(with smirk)

Sid- ok(confused)

Sid- what is she going to do(to himself)

Jan- where are you lost?

Sid- nowhere. But when are they going to attack?

Jan- Day after tomorrow. We have one day to execute the plan.

Sid nodded not knowing what she is going to do.

In Baghdad palace

Avneet and her friends are sitting in avu room and discussing about the strategy to win the post.

Avu- We all can attack from different directions. They will be confused and taking it as a chance we can defeat them.

Riyaz- yes we should do this only.

Faisu- Avu they are many in number if we confused them then also it is not going to work. And because we are away from each other we can't save each other also.

Avu- hmm so anyone has a plan?

Faisu- we should attack in 2 teams.
In this way we can safe each other and we can attack from different directions also.

Avu- ok, so first group will consist of me, faisu and 4 guards and second will be anu, riyaz and 4 guards.

All nodded.

That's for today's

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