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Everyone was preparing for the attack.

Faisu- how many soldiers are there for support.

AD- 2 elite guards with 20 soldiers for support.

Faisu- ok, so everyone ready to go.

Everyone nodded

Avu, faisu and riyaz was on their spirit creatures and anu with avu. And guards on horses.They all left for the post.

Riyaz- how much time would it take to reach their.

Faisu- it is a journey of 2 days. So have patience.

Rinushka(riyaz+anushka)- what 2 days(they screamed)

Avu- yes 2 day now don't scream. You will make me deaf by screaming.

Anu- it is not my fault. I was shocked that the nearest post of demon is so far away from us.

In forest
They both were packing their stuff.

Sid- so we are going to be waiting for them in post.

Jan- no we have to follow them. Because they are going through black forest. It is dangerous for them and for now there safety is necessary for our plan.

Sid- if they can't keep themselves safe then how are they going to face demons.

Jan- In black forest their are more dangerous creatures than demons so we have to go fast but the question is how will we go their this soon.

Sid- don't worry we will catch up with them.

Jan- how will we go by flying because that is the only way possible to reach that far this soon.

Sid- so we can go by flying.

Jan- how can we fly.

Sid- you forget that I have magical sword and like every magical sword I have a spirit creature.

Jan- yes, but what is your spirit creature.

Sid- I have two because of mixing of two swords. Griffin and pegasus. And both can fly.

Jan- so you are saying that we can go by using spirit creatures.

Sid- yes

Jan- ok but I am going with you.

Sid- ok we both can go on pegasus.

Jan- ok, so let's go

Sid- yes

They both goes toward the black forest.

With avneet

They all were traveling for 3 hrs. When they heard a sound.

Faisu- what was that sound.

Avu- I don't know.

Riyaz-  It may be any animal. Leave that let's continue.

Everyone nodded and again started traveling. After 5 minutes they again heard the same sound but this time it was more loud.

That's for today

Hope you enjoyed the chapter

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Why it is dangerous. What was that sound of.

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