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In Baghdad palace

They all were practicing to fight with demon

They all were practicing to fight with demon

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Riyaz- Avu want to fight with me.

Avu- sure

They started the fight riyaz swing the sword at avu but before the sword touch her she move out of way and swing her sword at him. He move out of way and they were dodging and attacking at last avu win the fight.

Faisu- that was a close one. Riyaz you are improving.

Avu- I agree with him. You give tough match.

Riyaz- thanks

Faisu- want to have a fight riyaz

Riyaz- sure

They started to do sword fight. No one was winning. But the fight got stop by AD.

AD- you have to meet the guards. 2 more elite guards will be at the post for help with some gaurd. They will give backup. And they are going to attack from west and you all are going to attack from east.

Faisu- your idea is same as our. We were also thinking of attacking from different sides.

AD- it is not my idea. This idea is giving by the elite guards. They are the best warriors of our kingdom.

AD left from there

Faisu- do you know about that elite guards. (He ask looking toward avu)

Avu- I have only heard about them. I have heard that they have become elite guards at very small age.

Faisu- sound interested. They seem intelligent and expert at making strategies.

Avu- yes they are very strong. I have heard that they are best warriors in our kingdom and there identities are hidden for safety reasons.

Riyaz- we should start packing the stuff which is required.

Everyone nodded and left for packing there stuff.

In forest

Sid was practicing and teaching jan some new moves. She was getting irritated by this.

 She was getting irritated by this

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Jan- will you stop. I want some rest.

Sid- she is becoming lazy day by day.(he said to himself but jan hear it)

Jan- what you said lazy

Sid- no no who will a beautiful girl lazy.

Jan- I am not going to leave alive today

She started chasing him and he started running for his life

Sid- please leave me bawali. I will give you chocolates plz leave me alive.

Jan- today no one can same you from me not even the chocolates.

Sid- sorry bawali I will do whatever you say but plz leave me. I don't want to die this soon. I have marry my dream girl.

Jan- I am not interested in your future but I will just leave you. You have to bring chocolates for me.

Sid- but said you don't need chocolates.

Jan- I think I did a mistake to keep you alive bawale.

Sid- no no I will bring chocolates for you.

Jan- that's better

Sid- now tell me your plan.

Jan- we will join them in the middle of battle as soldiers and leave before they could notice us.

Sid- sound interested. I like the plan

Jan- afterall I  made the plan (she said proudly)

Sid- but what if we got caught.

Jan- there is very less chance of it.

Sid- still there is a chance.

Jan- we will think about it later.

Sid- ok.....

That's for today

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