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With sid

The dragon breath fire at him. He also get vanish.

Sid's POV

I open my eyes. I had a very bad headache. I look at my surrounding but I can't remember anything then I remember about the fight with the and death of jan. Tears fall from my eyes she was the only person left that incident. The only family member I have left. Then I remember that I was also attack them how I am alive. I saw that I was at a  forest but I don't know this place. I stand up and started walking when I a voice interrupt me. I saw at the direction and a man was standing them. I started going toward that man.

Sid- who are you. And how am I alive.

With avneet

Avneet POV

I open the eyes to find that I was at a palace. I observed my surrounding and found my friends. They all were also shocked to know that they were alive. But how?

Riyaz- how are we alive. We were killed by the dragons.

Faisu- I don't know but I want to thank the person who saved us.

Suddenly I looked at a girl who was their but she was unconscious. I go to her and shake her.

Avu- hey wake up.

My friends also helped us. She opened her eyes and looked as us but by her look she was finding someone. But whom?

Avu- who are you?

Girl- my name is jannat. You can call me jan.Did you saw any boy here. He has dark black hair and hazel eyes.

Avu- no. I have not seen anyone. Have you seen.( I asked the part to my friends)

They all said no. Jan eyes became watery. She started crying. I hugged her to comfort her. After some time she calm down and stop crying.

Avu- who was the person you asked about.

Jan- he was my brother. The only family member I was left with.

We all introduce us to her. But was disturbed by a voice. We look at the direction of the voice. Their was man at his forties. He has grey hairs and brown eyes.

Faisu- who are you?

Man- I am master Green.

Avu- where are we and how are we alive. I remember fire hitting me.

Green- you all are given a chance to live again but for that you have to prove yourself.

Riyaz- A chance to live again. How is that possible.

Green- you are at a realm which is between earth, heaven and hell. When a person die his soul has to pass from here. Some soul are given chance to go back to earth. But they should prove themselves.

Avu- how could we prove us.

Green- came with me.

He started walking inside the palace. We all followed him to a room. The room was made of diamond and their was a crystal ball at the centre of the room which was glowing lighting the whole room.

 The room was made of diamond and their was a crystal ball at the centre of the room which was glowing lighting the whole room

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Green- Put your hand at the crystal ball for 10 sec and then remove it.

That's for today

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