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Jan- because you are 5th demon lord rebirth.

Sid- oh wait what. I am his rebirth. You are joking right. If you don't want to tell then don't but don't lie.

Jan- I am saying the truth. Ok just answer my questions.

Sid nodded

Jan- why your wounds heal more faster than other that to without medical treatment?

Sid was tongue tied. He don't have the answer for her question.

Jan- How you hear voice from far away which is not possible for a normal person?

Sid don't have any answer to defend himself.

Jan- Now you believe me.

Sid nodded because he was to shock to reply.

Jan assured him.

Then he notice the surrounding

Then he notice the surrounding

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Sid- Beautiful. But why you take me here?

Jan- Gift from your sista.

Sid was confused

Sid- where is the gift then?

Jan- Your gift is there.
(She said pointing toward the jungle)

Sid started moving toward the jungle. He walked for 5 minutes. The scene in front him shocked him.

In Baghdad palace
Early morning

Avu was practicing the sword fight with her new sword(magical sword) she was practicing when someone called her.

Anu- Avu now go and fresh up. We all are waiting for you in my room for playing something.

Avu- ok going. Don't scold me. I am not a child now.

Anu- your behavior is still like a child and I am 1 year elder then you. So you should listen to me. Now go and get fresh up you are getting late.

Avu- ok.

Anu left from there to her room and Avu left for her room to fresh up.

Anu left from there to her room and Avu left for her room to fresh up

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They all met in Anu's room after breakfast. And played for sometime when a servant come.

Servant- Princess your father is calling you and your friend to his room.

Avu nodded and the servant left. They all leave for the AD's room.

Avu- Dad you called us.

AD- yes, demon are threatening the kingdoms more and more. We need a group of warriors who can go and attack on there nearest post.

Riyaz- uncle we can attack them with the army also.

AD- no riyaz. They can got to know that they are been attack and they will be alert and they will inform other post and they will attack us.

Faisu- Yes uncle is right.

Avu- so who are going.


That's for today

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