1. In a Cave....

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Kong has joined the archeology summer camp, under Dr Roger's supervisory, with his friends.

They were currently searching through the forest and found an old cave hidden behind the horde of trees. They had to climb down the cave and search inside for any signs of life in there at ancient times.

Tew asked Kong to go ahead

"No way! Why do I always have to be the one to climb into these caves ?? "

Kong glared at the other boys in his team.

"Come on, Kong You're the only one willing to do something like this"

Aim told him, nudging him towards the cave opening.

"Why only me ???Others can do this too"

Kong said, glaring at Aim

"Please, Kong! You know it freaks me out crawling into these nasty, damp caves."

Aim made a disgusted face.

Kong simply rolled his eyes at him. They all know the only reason He enrolled in the summer archeology program is because of May, he would follow her to the moon and back.

"Fine! I'll go, but you all owe me a big time."

Tew, Oak and Aim gave him a thumbs up.

Kong fished his flashlight from his backpack, flicking it on before he started his crawl into the cave.

The mouth of the cave is barely big enough for him and his large backpack to squeeze through and he knows this will be tough going. His hope was that this will open to a larger chamber soon.

There are many students enrolled in the program, and today they split into two groups: Guys in one, Girls in the other. Their professor, Doctor Roger, assigned each group a grid that they have to explore, looking for any evidence of previous occupants in the harsh environment of the forests.

Kong entered the cave slowly, making sure to shine his flash light all around him, checking for obstacles.

He hoped, he will be lucky enough and actually find something here.

Kong moved along carefully, taking care with his surroundings,
'you never know what you'll find'
He moved his light along the wall, looking for cave drawings or any sign that someone once lived here.

To his disappointment, he saw nothing but plain rock wall.

A soft noise draws his attention; it's nothing alarming, just curiosity inducing.

A scream catches in his throat when the beam of light falls on the source of the noise. Instead of a bat or some other small animal, as he expected, he met with the most vibrant hazel eyes he has ever seen

" Human Eyes "

Kong was frozen on the spot, his eyes trained on those pair of eyes. They held no hostility, merely mirroring the terror in his own. Curiosity wins out, over Kong's fear, and he widens the beam of his flashlight to get a better view of this mysterious creature.

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