7 | The Truth

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Katsuki Bakugou

Almost two days had passed since Bakugou visited Todoroki, and to say the least, he was drowning in apprehension and guilt as he approached Todoroki's dorm again. Previously, he'd informed his classmates that Todoroki needed some time to cope with his own personal matters and didn't want to see anyone, so he highly doubted that anyone had visited Todoroki since then. Sighing, Bakugou checked his phone once more, but as with all of his other calls and messages, Todoroki had not responded to any of them.

Bakugou's knuckles tapped on Todoroki's door. "Oi, it's me." He awaited a response, but after seven seconds slipped away, he knocked on the door again. "Oi."

I'm still pissed about how he literally just closed the door on me before, Bakugou growled to himself. I don't know if that was so he could actually get away with purging, or if he'd just had enough. Maybe both. Is it my fault for trying to help? I'm so fucking torn. I wanna help, but I feel like I fuck things up for him and make him feel like shit, and he also pisses me off every fucking time in some way. He fucking broke up with me. It was so sudden. I just wanted to help, and he broke up with me. I feel like it's my fault. I loved him so damn much, but it feels like the only thing I've accomplished is making things worse for him. Goddammit, why is this asshole not answering?!

"Oi!" Bakugou snarled while pounding his fist against the door. "Oi!"

Something feels wrong, Bakugou thought with a grimace. I got this awful tightness in my stomach. Air feels heavy. It's like one drop of my sweat weighs as much as a fucking brick. Am I just overreacting? He could be at the store for all I know. Fuck it. I'm not risking it. I need to get this door open. That's it. I'm busting this thing down. I'll deal with the consequences later.

Sizzling discs of amber and saffron spilled from Bakugou's palms. "SHI-INE!" he bellowed, slamming his molten fists into the door and unleashing a massive explosion that charred the door and caused it to snap off its hinges and barrel back into Todoroki's dorm; it teetered and landed on the ashen floor with a thud. "Oi!"

Bakugou's eyes shot towards Todoroki's futon, but the futon was flat and lifeless—it lacked the movement of someone's breaths that imbued the object with life. He twisted his head towards the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Oi," he snarled. "Oi, you in there?" His fingers coiled around the doorknob. "I'm comin' in." Much to Bakugou's stupefaction, the door was unlocked, so the door slowly slid open. "Hello?" He pushed the door open further, but the door recoiled against something before it met the wall.

Scrunching his brows, Bakugou stepped into the bathroom and glanced around the bend of the door. His eyes snapped open, and his jaw slammed into his chin at the sight that crawled before him. He shook his head as a rush of disbelief and astonishment numbed his senses for a fleeting moment.

"Shou...to?" Bakugou's voice was like jagged shards of a broken cup of glass.

There, lying with a vacant gaze on the floor of the bathroom, was Todoroki. He stared indefinitely at one point as though his pupils had been glued in a fixed position. Motionless, voiceless, and cold, Todoroki's blank, perpetual stare caused Bakugou to avert his eyes from making eye contact with his ex. Like a threadbare doll, Todoroki looked like he was awaiting the moment that someone would pick him up once more since he could not move of his own volition. His eyes were endless abysses, and his skin was pale like the sand of a beach.

Bakugou faltered to his knees. With trembling hands, he checked for Todoroki's soothing breath, or his melodic pulse, but both embers had gone cold. As he retracted his hand, denial clashed with his sensibility. Anger swarmed his head. Regret adhered to his stomach like a rock. Sorrow streamed from his scrunched eyes. All Bakugou could do was quiver on his knees while the emotions invading his mind cut like knives.

Drowning | Anorexic Todoroki x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now