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everything that happened prior to the first paragraph below (from near the end of chapter 2) still happened, but this is where the plot diverges.


Shouto Todoroki

"I feel like you're not eating very much," Bakugou admitted; his reply twisted Todoroki's stomach into a snarl. "Is something goin' on, Shouto?" Each word that dripped from Bakugou's lips felt like a lethal dose of poison to Todoroki's mind.

He is my boyfriend, Todoroki reasoned with himself. He deserves to know the truth. But I don't want to tell him. Maybe just a little. It'll be the truth, but not the full truth. That'll work...

Todoroki shrugged a bit. "I... I guess I feel kind of...fat," he reluctantly sighed.

Bakugou lifted Todoroki's chin. "Hey. You're the thinnest person in our whole damn class, Babe," the ash-blonde reassured Todoroki. "You don't need to lose a single pound. C'mere." He wrapped Todoroki into his steady, fast embrace. "The only reason you'd ever need to lose weight is if you were obese and that became a detriment to your health. That ain't the case at all." His lips gently pecked Todoroki's cheek as he released a sigh. "Yer the most handsome out of our class. Prettiest too. Hence why you had me head over fucking heels for you and your goddamn beauty."

Why can't I believe any of it? "Thanks..." He nuzzled up against his partner as a soft, fragile smile materialized on his expression.

Bakugou nodded slowly. "Talk to me if yer ever feelin' like... I dunno. Like you'd wanna go to extremes just to knock off a few pounds. That's a dangerous path. Don't you dare put your health below your weight. I don't want you starving yourself for this, 'kay? I need you to be eating. Can you do that for me?"


But if I eat, I'll be fat. I don't care if I'm starving myself. Someone as useless as me deserves it. But I don't want to worry him. I don't want him to think I'm putting myself before him. I can change. I can change for him. But I don't want to change. I want to stay like this and hide the truth from him. But I'd be lying to his face. Selfish. Worthless. Weak. I'm in this relationship for a reason. I'm not with Katsuki to have him shoulder my issues. No. I'm with him because I love him. If I really love him, I'll get over myself so I can focus on him. He's what's most important. Right. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm fat. So fat. So fucking fat...

"Good," Bakugou sighed in relief as his embrace loosened into a snuggly scarf of warm affection. "You and yer health are my top priorities."

Look at how selfish you are. You're his top priority. What's your top priority? Yourself. Your useless, fat self. How selfish can you possibly be? What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you even in this relationship if the only person you're thinking about is yourself? Do you even realize how worthless you are? You're just a burden. That's all you are. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Todoroki nodded to Bakugou while internally shaking his head at his own thoughts as he closed his eyes and soon departed from reality to transiently venture into a state of slumber.


Katsuki Bakugou

After roughly one week of observing Todoroki's behaviors after Todoroki had admitted to being insecure about his body, Bakugou's worries had only increased. Todoroki would come up with excuse after excuse to either not eat or explain why he hadn't eaten, and he was visibly thinner. Bakugou could clearly tell that Todoroki's demeanor was concerningly dull, and overall, Todoroki did not seem to be happy in the slightest.

Drowning | Anorexic Todoroki x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now