"Lying in the ocean"

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Thomas' P.O.V

I woke up when the rays of the sun peaked through the openings of the cave. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms before getting up.

Teresa was still asleep a few feet away from me. God, she was beautiful.

"Rise and shine everybody. We have to head out soon." Minho announced to everyone.

People were soon slowly waking up and realizing it was almost time to leave.

Last night Minho and Gally went back to get some of the leftover food and other materials left behind. We needed everything we could get to keep us going.

People stuffed their packs with water, food and anything else they would need. I wasn't sure were we were going, but I hoped it was safer than here.

Teresa rose from her sleep and looked around. She was adorable when her hair was messy.

"Hey." She greeted me in her sleepy morning voice.

"We have to get going soon." I informed her.

She nodded before she got up and walked away.


"Okay is everybody packed and ready to go?" Minho asked everyone.

The immunes all said yes and we were ready to go.

Everybody had some sort of weapon in their hands, since we were clueless what else could be out there.

I grabbed my path and walked over towards Minho.

"Do you even know where we're going?" I was sort of concerned. I didn't want to put any of us in harms way.

"No. But Minho always has a plan." He slapped my shoulder before walking away.

Before the grievers, paradise was actually quite pretty, so I decided to take one last glimpse of the beach.

When I looked out the opening of the cave, I saw the beach and it's waves. I remember the first day we got here, when I laid near the beach and thought about Teresa. I felt like it was a lifetime ago.

I mourned over her "death", but I didn't have to do that anymore. She was here with me, and that's all that matters.

Everything was calm and safe then, despite missing Teresa. We didn't have to worry about grievers trying to kill us. But the tables have turned now.

I caught back up with Teresa and Minho and we were ready to head out.


Minho and I led the way through the cave for at least an hour. There's was nothing but rocks, dirt, and more rocks. The cave was starting to get unusually cold, which was out of the ordinary.

"Do we even know where we're going?" Teresa asked.

"Not really. But we'll take a break soon." Minho suggested.

We walked for about 10 more minutes before everybody took a snack and water break.

My break was interrupted when I heard something like humming.

"Do you guys hear that?" I asked nervously.

"Hear what?" Minho and Teresa said in unison.

The sound was getting closer and soon the humming was getting louder.

By now all the immunes could hear it and we were all exchanging confused looks.

The sound seemed to be right beside us when Minho shined his flashlight in the distance. We all saw what was standing a few meters away.

"Rose took my nose I suppose, and it really blows."

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