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Kayra and Katniss went their separate way from Gale after a while. Both friends had gone towards the market of the district to sell the birds they had caught that morning.

They had agreed to meet at the entrance of the place in an hour. They were going to sell the animals to different people, so it was faster if they separated.

Kayra had already finished selling the dead animal when she noticed a strange looking pin that caught her attention.

"What's this?" She asked the vendor curiously.

"That's a... a phoenix." She answered her after having realized what the girl was talking about.

"How much?" Kayra questioned. It was really pretty and she though Prim would appreciate a little gif to calm her nerves before the reaping.

"You keep it. It's yours." Said the old lady with a small smile, putting the pin in her hands. Kayra always brought her animals that she had hunted in exchange for products that she sold, but she knew that sometimes the girl would sell them to her cheaper than she should. The redhead had a big heart, one that she couldn't even hide behind her sarcastic personality and black humor.

"Oh, I can't accept it." Denied the girl, making the motion of giving her the pin back.

"You keep it sweetheart." Told her the lady seriously. "For good luck."

"Thank you." Kayra answered her, feeling moved for the sweet gesture.

With a small smile of departure, she took her leave, and began walking towards the exit of the market.

Katniss was already there, though it didn't seem like she had been waiting for much.

"See you later?" Asked the brunette, already knowing Kayra was planning on bathing at her house.

"Yes, I will go to your house after I dressed up. We can go together to the townsquare then. Sounds good?"


𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑 - 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫Where stories live. Discover now