Chapter 11: Chocolate cake and an explaination

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Belle's P.O.V.

As I sobbed I felt Pony begin to walk. He walked up the stairs unto his bedroom. He sat me down on his bed and gave me a hug. I pushed out of it. He's supposed to hate me. Plus Soda going to Veitnam is my fault. I walked over to his cluttered desk. I picked up a few books and put them in a pile. Next I put his paper in a pile and then put his pencils in a cup I found. I looked back down and noticed I'd missed a book. Gone with the Wind. I picked it up to put on the book pile, but a piece of paper fell out. I picked it up and then Pony came and grabbed it. I really wanted to know what was so important about this paper so I held out my hand. He hesitated for a minute, but then gave it to me. "Fine. Go ahead." He said. I took the paper and read it. It was from a boy named Johnny. He said the doctor came I  to tell him sometging, but he already knew it. He wanted Pony to tell a guy named Dally to watch a sunset. I finished reading and I noticed Pony was about to say something when the front door slammed. He grabbed my hand and we hurried down the stairs. Pony went and got the letter and I stayed behind. I wondered who Johnny and Dally were. Why hadn't I met them? What did Johnny know about? Pony came back in with the letter and he handed it to Soda. Soda read it and seemed upset. He handed it to Darry. As Darry read it I knew something was wrong. The letter dropped out of Darry's hands and he fell backwards on the couch. I ran forwards and checked for a pulse. It was weak so I motioned to the phone. Pony got the message and called the hospital. He stopped and looked at me. I symboled that Darry's heart was breaking. Pony told the nurse he was having a heart attack. I stayed by Darry until the ambulance came and got him. Soda told me and Pony to stay home. Pony didn't want to stay, but Soda made him. After they left Pony went in the kitchen. I heard a loud bang so I ran I  there. I saw Pony holding his hand and I knew he had punched a wall. I walked over to the fridge and got some ice. I walked back over and put the ice o  his hand. He looked at me and it was the first time I noticed his sparkly grayish - green eyes. He took the ice off and went over to the fridge. He put the ice back and got out a few slices 8 chocolate cake. He gave me one and kept the other for himself. We sat down and he started to eat. I put the plate down and ran to his bedroom. I got a piece of paper and a pencil. I began writing. "My name is Belle. I want to be friends with you. It's my fault Soda's going to Veitnam and Darry's in the hospital. I want to know who Johnny and Dally were and what Johnny was talking about." I ran downstairs with the piece of paper and gave it to Pony. He read it and looked up at me. "It's not your fault Soda's going to Veitnam and Darry's in the hospital. Johnny and Dally were my friends.  They died a couple weeks ago." He said. I picked up the paper and began writing again. "It us my fault Darry and Soda are in danger. I made a deal with Death and he'll do anything to help me." I handed the paper back to Pony. He stared at me with wide eyes after reading it. "What's he gonna do to you?" He asked. I took the paper and wrote again. "He said he would end my suffering. He said I could only say the name of the person who will end it." I handed the paper back to him. He looked up at me confused. "Ponyboy." I said. He's eyes widened matters he realized what I meant. He figured out that he was to end my pain and sufferring, but from the look on his face I don't think he wanted to be 'the one.'

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