Sweet petrichor floods my senses -
A sign that a new day has been born.
Life gives a second chance perennially,
Like mom's red tulips who sleep beside the porch
And who blossom after the snow lifts
And the sun rises in Springtime.
A bolt of light clashes down from the heavens, striking the earth.
Howling wind in the distance echoes in my ears,
Pounding on the drums that remind me
I am alive.
The tulips shudder in the breeze.
A creature of habit am I,
For it is too jarring to shed my skin
And emulate this new person
I am becoming.
Who is she?
Is she all I hope to be and more?
I will not wake up one day in this new self -
No - that will take time;
For tulips remain hidden in the earth,
Growing alone -
Silent -
Till the precise moment for which they were meant to be seen.
Look up
To the sodden skies, cold and gray
Till I see a sliver of light peeking between the clouds laid bare.
I reach up
Straining to touch the light.
The gleaming heavens above are delighted to make my acquaintance
And I am unearthed once more.
The sweet sound of their singing lifts my heart
And I am reminded my capacity is limitless.
Journey of a Perennial
PoetryReturning to my love of poetry. Read, comment, and like if you like :)