Why You Can't Let Her In

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~Marceline's P.O.V.~

She was kissing me back. How could such a magnificent creature be kissing me back? I was the worst person on the existence of this earth. I leaned back to try and pull away. Her arms tightened around my neck to pull me close again. I smiled slightly at this and tugged on her bottom lip, before forcefully pulling back. The pink girl just looked at me shyly and bit her lip. God I wish I knew what was going through her mind. I was falling for her, hard, and I knew this was bad.

"I have to go." I murmured. I saw her eyes sadden.

"Why?" She asked tenderly, a hint of begging in her voice.

"I have to deal with some people that are going to visit." I hated lying but I needed to leave and clear my head. I needed to remind myself how much of a bad person im was so I could stop myself from making a mistake.

"Okay." Her arms fell from around my neck. She waived goodbye at me as I stood and walked out the door to my room. I paced through the halls until I reached my destination, a regular sized oak door. My hands shook as I reached for my keys and unlocked the seemingly inoffensive door. I stepped in and locked it again, knowing that they would come and look for me eventually. I flicked on the light and it slowly filled the room. I was in a small room with two child-sized beds. Each one having a stuffed animal on it. One being a pink monkey and the other a purple bunny. I was in my childhood bedroom. And it brought so many memories into me. I began to sob, hard. I fell to the floor and hugged my knees as the tears spilled over. I looked up at the small bedside table that was between the two beds and saw the picture. OUR picture. Two identical children looked at me with smiling faced. I couldn't breath. I kept sobbing, and it didn't give me enough time between chocked out sobs to get some air. I tried to sooth myself as I felt the lack of air start to turn my face red. I heard frantic banging on the door. I couldn't hear anything but the continued banging of both the door and my heart. I could feel the darkness consuming me. My vision blurred where I couldn't even distinguish shapes anymore. I felt someone grasp me suddenly, a sweet yet comforting smell filling my nostrils. I felt my body being shaken as I was limp. The sobs persisted though, and I hated myself all over again, just by looking at the picture. I was such a monster. I don't deserve love, I don't deserve anything I have. It should've been me, not her. Not my precious sister Alex, with her black hair and piercing green eyes. (If you know who I'm talking about, I love you.) A different set of arms lifted me and carried me off before I went unconscious.


"C'mon Alex! Give me back Hambo!" I screamed.

"What a stupid name!!!" Alex said as she jumped up and down on the bed holding both the bunny and the monkey. I felt myself tear up as I tried harder to reach. She was only inches taller than me but those inches made a lot of difference.

"Give it!" I whined. I needed it. Mommy had made it for me before she died. I couldn't sleep without him and it was almost bedtime. Alex reached up and tore off Hambo's button eye and threw him on the floor.

"Why do you care so much anyway? Mom was a slut. She deserved to die." Alex never liked our mom but mom always tried her best. I lost it and lunged at her, grabbing her tightly by the neck. The rage was blinding me. Suddenly I felt her body go limp. I hadn't realized how hard I was squeezing. There was knocking on the door before it opened and I saw my father just looking at me for a few seconds. He looked completely unphased as he walked to me and reached for my hand. I took it scared.

"You might have loved your mother more than me, Marceline. But you and I are both evil. Now let me show you how to dispose of a body." My father said calmly. I nodded slowly, tears pouring down my cheeks.

~End Nightmare~

I bolted onto a sitting position as I breathed hard. I brought my hand to my forehead, trying to calm myself. I looked around at my surroundings. It hurt when I blinked, I could feel my eyes swollen. I turned to my left and noticed Bonnie asleep in my chair. I smiled alittle. I shifted in bed, accidentally knocking the tv remote off the bed. It made a loud clattering noise. I swore under my breath and saw Bonnie blink her eyes open. She smiled warmly at me.

"Morning." She stretched.

"Morning." I replied. She leaned forward and casually gave me a peck on the lips, which I didn't reject. She had a way of making me forget about everything.

"Feeling better?" She asked, her eyes sparkling slightly in the dark.

"Abit." I replied. She stood and sat next to me on the bed.

"Wanna talk about it?" I shook my head. "C'mon you'll feel better." I sighed and looked down, playing with my fingers.

"You'll think I'm a monster." I whispered. Her hand came and rested ontop of mine, causing me to look up at her. She smiled.

"I would never think that." Should I tell her? Might as well before you're in too deep.

"I.... When I was small, my mom died when I was about 5. She was my everything. I had a twin. She was more of a daddy's girl. When mom died, she made fun of me a lot because 'no one loved me'. The day after the funeral she took the monkey my mom had made me by hand and started destroying it. She called mom a slut and I lost it. I started chocking her and I didn't notice what had happened until...." She understood without me having to finish the sentence. "But what bothered me even more was that my dad walked in and seemed completely fine with it. He told me that I was evil like him. And that he was going to teach me how to hide a body." I looked down at my hands again. "I'm rotten Bon. I'm a murderer. I don't deserve love. I don't deserve life." I felt tears stinging in my eyes again and I felt her pull her hand away from mine. I knew she would be scared. Then, a set of arms threw themselves around me.

"I love you though." She whispered gently into my ear.

(A/N: sorry for not posting. School is draining me. BTW I recently got into the Orange is the new Black fandom so idk if I should make some Vauseman stories. Bubbline and Vauseman are life. Vauseman is the bubbline we wish we had. If you haven't seen it, you should check it out. Bye!)

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