Letting Her Go

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~Bonnie's P.O.V.~

As we drove away, I saw Marceline in the rearview mirror, looking at me helplessly. I couldn't contain the sob feeling as Fionna pulled me into a hug, shaking into a sob herself. I shut my eyes and let myself weep, weep every tear that I needed to. I let her do the same. We knew that something was going to happen. I wrapped my arms around her waist, curling into her even deeper, exhausted from all the crying. Her arms became heavy around me as she fell asleep. I reached back into the backpack looking for something to use for a blanket, finding Marceline's leather jacket. Joining Fionna into sleep only a few minutes after.

~Marceline's P.O.V.~

I looked down at my bloody, shaky hand and the brick wall I had just punched. With my other hand I rubbed my face and headed back inside. I had to deal with this as soon as possible. I headed back inside, heading through the kitchen towards the front door, where I heard the voices coming from. I took a deep breath and fixed my shirt, fiddling lightly with my hair, stepping out. I was greeted with one of the most intimidating sights I've seen in my life. And I was never really intimidated often. Five bodyguards in a semi circle surrounding an older looking man with gray hair in a red and blue suit. The minute I stepped out, Marshall stood to my left, Guy and Bongo on our left and right respectively, one step ahead of us, ready to shield us.

"Ah, Mr. and Ms. Abadeer, the infamous cousins. Pleasure making your acquaintance finally." He reached out a pale hand towards me, which I took hesitantly. He wrapped his cold fingers around mine, leaning down, pressing a kiss into the back of my hand. I resisted all urge to pull away or make a face. I settled for locking my jaw and blinking away the disgust. Marshall actually scrunched up his nose, causing one of the guards to scarl lightly.

"Mr. Butler, it's a pleasure to finally meet you as well." I said slowly, pulling my hand back from his grip the minute it loosened, letting my arm fall to my side again. He gave a detestable smile, to which I returned a completely unconvinced one. He straightened back up, looking over at Marshall, extending his hand, Marshall shaking his hand brusquely. The guards quickly surrounded him again the minute he let Marshall's hand go. "May I ask why you're here, Mr. Butler?" The grin that came after did nothing to ease my uneasiness.

"Ah, yes, it came to my attention that you have someone that's mine." His eye shone lightly as he said this.

"Someone? And may I remind you that people are not property." Marshall spoke up but I felt my blood run cold.

"Why yes, my niece. You should know her as Bonnibel." Marshall froze, only his eyes looking over at me." I tried swallowing the lump in my throat. "It was brought to my attention by one of the many many allies I have that attended the ball that you're now 'engaged'." I could hear the quotations in his voice, causing me to hold back a snarl. "Trust me that won't last very long." He picked at a piece of dust off one of the tables and rubbed his fingertips together then looked back up at me. "She's being picked up as we speak." This time I couldn't hold back the snarl as I lunged.

~Bonnie's P.O.V.~

I felt my body lurch forward slightly as the SUV screeched to a halt. Fionna gasping slightly as her eyes snapped open with mine. I gripped onto Fionna for balance as I heard Defil curse under his breath, reaching to the glove compartment, yanking it open and pulling out a pistol. I lifted my head, looking around outside into the darkening afternoon. I saw cars surrounding the SUV, some feeling familiar, but I quickly brushed it off as Defil gave a harsh whisper.

"Stay down. Whatever you do, do not make a sound." Fionna and I ducked further towards the bottom. "Do not open these doors, this truck is bullet proof. Do not let anyone in." He stepped out quickly, locking the door on his way out. Fionna started hyperventilating to which I gave a soft shushing noise to. Shouting could be heard coming from all around the SUV clearly telling Defil to stand down. Defil screamed something I couldn't understand and the shooting began. I bit my tongue, trying to stay quiet, just like Defil said, tasting blood coming from my tongue. But Fionna let out a scared scream, causing me to inwardly curse as I put my hand on her mouth. She looked at me scared, and I knew I was mirroring her but I kept my mouth closed. Then there was silence. That was until I heard a familiar voice.

"Bonnibel, dear?" The voice called out, worried. I recognized it immediately, my head shooting up against my will.

"Dad?!" I saw through the window my dad looking towards the SUV rushing to the door, I saw Defil being forced into a one of the cars, wanting to scream at me but his mouth was covered by a gag. My dad having his hand on the handle of the truck.

"Open up Bonnie. Come give your old man a hug!" I looked at a terrified Fionna, then looked over at my dad, shaking my head.

"N-no." He didn't look surprised by this as he kept trying to open the door.

"She's not who you think she is Bonnie. She's a killer. Who do you think killed your uncle Mathew?" I looked back towards the door. "Her men came in after having killed everyone that worked for him. They grabbed him and shoved him onto his knees and she put a bullet through his head. She took you for revenge on our family! Cmon open up and we'll take you home, your friend can come too, we have nothing against her family." I felt myself instinctively reach over and grab Marceline's jacket. I held it to my chest to take a deep breath and played with the ring on my finger. It couldn't have been here that didn't. It just couldn't. I heard my dad's phone ring as he answered it and put it on speaker. I heard my uncle Pence talking.

"'You killed Mathew Bailor.'"

"'I did. So what?'" That was... Marceline? My dad snapped the phone shut, my blood running cold as my hand unwillingly pried the door open. I felt a heavy weight in my stomach as my dad wrapped me in his arms, guiding me to a car along with a scared Fionna as they got our bags from the SUV. I felt frozen, numb even as they put me in the backseat along with Fionna. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders, staying silent. I didn't know what I felt, I just knew I wanted to go home. I clutched Marceline's jacket even tighter. This was probably the last thing I would have that was hers. And even through the blind rage I felt that she killed my uncle, some part of me still hoped this was some fucked up misunderstanding. 

~Marceline's P.O.V.~

~A few minutes earlier~

I was pinned on the ground along with Marshall, Bongo and Guy knocked out on the floor by us, bleeding slightly.

"You're not going to fucking touch her!" I snarled and struggled against the two guards holding me down.

"What are you going to do to stop me? She's my niece. She trusts me more than she ever trusted you. But you know, maybe I can let you off the hook. You killed Mathew Bailor."

"I did. So what?" I snapped back, then saw as he pulled a phone out of his back and snapped it shut.

"That'll do, thanks for that." The anger drained from my body.

"What did you do?" Cold ran through my body as I saw the evil grin on his face as he tucked his phone into his pocket.

"Mathew Bailor, Bonnibel's uncle from her mother's side. You killed him. And now she knows it." My body went limp, all fight in me gone as I let my eyes look up at the ceiling. I felt the guards letting go of me, leaving me there as Marshall sat up and rushed to Guy and Bongo. Did I really kill her uncle? "Now, make sure to stay away from our family, you got that?" He walked out the door, his guards following after him as I felt myself fall into darkness, my eyes closing as I heard Marshall screaming my name as it slowly became muffled beyond recognition as I felt hot tears run down my cheeks.

(A/N: Gonna be gone for 45 days. I'll try to find a way to update though, I might complete the next few chapters to be ready to post while I'm away since I can just post them from my phone.)

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