When Someone Wants Her

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~Marceline's P.O.V.~

The knock on the door made me give a frustrated sigh. I looked down at the beauty in my arms that I could've been making mine if they hadn't knocked. I saw her blushing cheeks and cute little panting and I knew I was gonna kill who ever interrupted me from making this angel moan my demon name. I growled to myself as I stood and went over to the door, opening it. I see Keila standing there with a somber expression.

"Yes?" The venom was evident in my voice.

"Marshal Lee is here in pretenses to find a wife." Keila said and her eyes darted towards Bonnie for a fraction of a second. I felt my eyes widen. I had to hide her. Now.

"Okay. Execute plan #26457. I'll be there shortly." I said hurriedly.

"Ma'am." She said bowing slightly and taking off immediately. I closes the door and took a few deep breaths, bringing my hands to my head.

"Okay, okay, think Marce! Think!" I murmured to myself and hit my forehead with the heel of my hand.

"Something wrong?" Bonnie had sat up, and was looking at me expectantly. Seeing her on my bed gave me an idea though.

"Okay, I have no time to explain in detail but there's a guy that comes and looks for a wife every year. He never finds one though. They just told me he's here and if he sees you he's going to want you. I know his tastes because they're exactly the same. So I'm gonna ask you one question. Do you really want to be with me?" I was panting, not only from the small speech I just gave but because my heart was hammering in my chest.

"Of course I do." She looked completely unphased by the load of information she has just received from me.

"Okay. Then I'm going to ask you to pretend like you're obsessed with me." I stated. She snorted cutely.

"Pretend? Girl I've been holding it in." She giggled and I blushed at the completely unexpected comment.

"Okay well.... Just be yourself then." I pondered something then decided that I might as well bring it up. It would make things a lot easier. But it was going to be a surprise. I looked through my drawers until I came across a black little box and shoved it into my jeans pockets. I looked back at her but she was fixing her hair, completely oblivious to what I was doing. "We have to go downstairs and greet him." I said and held my arm out for her. She looped hers through and we walked out the hallway. We walked down the stairs for the bottom floor and saw someone standing there, hands in their pockets. At the sound of out heels clicking, he looked up. Bonnie gasped slightly at how much the guy looked like me.

"Who is he?" She asked curiously.

"My cousin." I replied sourly. She nodded and gave my arm a reassuring squeeze.

"Ah!" He spoke as he looked at us. "I see you're personally bringing my future wife to me." He chuckled and rubbed his hands together. "Do me a favor and give her a spin so I can see her." Bonnie was shocked, I could tell because she stiffened.

"Can it Marshall. This is my girlfriend Bonnibel." I was sure to stress the word girlfriend and nudged Bonnie so she knew to play along. Marshall looked disappointed. He began to sulk. We reached the bottom floor and I greeted him with a hand shake. He greeted Bonnie more friendly as he pulled her to him. I noticed he whispered something in her ear because she blushed and jumped. She quickly went back to my side and clung to my arm. I saw Marshall smirking my direction and I felt a growl deep in my throat as I got in a defensive stance, ready to pounce.

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