Chapter 1: The Accident

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I place the pencil down on my desk, and stare at my textbook. My eyes are so blurry and dry from reading for hours on end. The section I have to read is all about how a human brian makes people think certain things and have mental illnesses. The book is assigned to me by my psychology professor. Even though I'm not majoring in any form of psychology, in order to become a neurosurgeon, which is what I am studying to be, you have to take a psychology course to learn how people think and what they feel. It is all extremely boring to me. All I want to do is save peoples' lives, and I'm stuck reading about mental illness. I've always been very blessed in my life to not have anything severely wrong with me. I've never had mental problems, and I've only had one surgery when I was in first grade and broke my arm. I've always been at the top of my classes growing up, in every club, and even the valedictorian of my high school class. But now that I'm in college, I feel like I could be doing so much more.

I look out the window to see the sky scrapers touch the big, fluffy clouds. I can't imagine how hot it is outside. It is the middle of September, and I've now been doing classes for college for almost two months, not counting all of the AP and dual enrollment classes I've taken in high school. I ended up graduating as a junior in college. I was accepted to Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University which is number three in the state of New York for medical schools, even though my dream school was the New York University Grossman School of Medicine, but that school has a 2.5% acceptance rate while the other has a 4%. While I am a little bitter about the fact I wasn't accepted, my mom makes me feel as though I am the smartest person around, and to be honest, I am one of the smartest people I know. My mom has always been my number one supporter. I love her with all my heart.

As I look at the window, trying to adjust my eyes, so I can go back to reading, I smell something so delicious waft into my room. It is lasagna. My mother always says that if she was not a nurse that she would be a professional cook. We all agree because she really is a master chef.

"Y/n, dinner is ready!" I hear my mother yell from the kitchen. I look down to see that the next section is about PTSD. Gosh, I can't imagine having such a horrible disease. Without a second thought, I quickly shut my book, glad for the opportunity to stop studying. I also realize that my stomach has been rumbling, and I can never focus on an empty stomach. I scramble out of my room and down the two flights of stairs through our townhouse to the kitchen. Yep, I was right. It was lasagna. My mother smiles and comes over to give a big hug.

"How is studying coming along dear?"

"You know as good as it can be. I'm currently reading about mental illnesses, and it bores the heck out of me," I sigh and turn away to the dining room table. My brother, Gavin, was already sitting in his seat getting a piece of the lasagna already set out.

"Yes, some things can be boring, but I promise all of this will be worth it once you are doing what you love." She gives me a smile and turns back into the kitchen to get the salad.

"I know, I know you're right," I say while sitting down. I start cutting a slice of lasagna to put on my plate.

"Shit!" my brother exclaims loudly. I gasp, and mother races in the dining room with the salad bowl in her hands.

"Gavin, what did you just say?" I stare quietly at the exchange. My mother hates cursing.

"I... nothing. I said nothing," he lies.

"No, I heard exactly what you said. And what was it about?"

"Umm... well... I got sauce on my science homework," he says quietly.

"Oh, I see, and does that give you an excuse to cuss? Especially out loud for the whole world to hear?" At this point, it takes everything for me not to laugh.

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