Chapter 2: The Meeting

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I feel a bump and my body learches up a little bit. When I come back down, I feel something wrapped around me and my head placed on something. I instantly open my eyes to bright lights. I close them back because a pounding headache starts to ensue. I open them again, and I see windows and seats across from me. That's when it hit me. I was in a moving vehicle. I quickly sit up and look to my left. No one. Then, I look to my right, and I see a man. I instantly grab what is covering me and scoot as close as I can to the wall before hitting my back on it. He turns to me.

"Oh, hi," the man starts. "I didn't know you would have woken up so early on our ride." I say nothing. I stare at him. Not in fear, but in confusion. He is a white man, most likely in his thirties. He has dark hair with stripes of white along his temples. His eyes are a beautiful blue green. His cheekbones are very defined, and he has very nice facial hair that brought the look together. He seems to be very tall and is wearing a blue robe set that has darker blue intricate designs. He has mustard yellow leather gloves on as well. Overall, he is a very handsome man. I look down at his thigh where I must have been laying my head. Apparently, I had been staring too long without saying a word because worry flashes in his eyes.

"Oh, don't worry," he says as he reaches his hand out slightly. "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise," he explains while trying to reassure me.

"Who- who are you?" I croak out. My mouth is very dry.

"My name is Doctor Stephen Strange," he says as he holds out his hand all the way. I look at it for a moment and reach my hand out from what was covering me and shake his hand. As if touching fire, he retracts his hand immediately and puts it back in his lap. His face does not change when doing so.

"And who are you? If you don't mind me asking." He looks at me intently but with a hint of curiosity. As I look at him, I have a feeling that he is good and does not want to harm me. I decide to trust him. 

"I'm y/n y/l/n," I say.

"That's a very pretty name Miss y/n," he says and gives a quick smile. I instantly blush. His smile made him so much more attractive.

"Please, call me y/n," I say with a smile.

"Of course, and you can call me Stephen." I give a slight nod and decide to look around more. I look out the windows and we are passing. Trees and buildings rush by. It is still somewhat light outside, but I know we are not in New York City anymore. I look around more at the seats and realize we are on a bus. I see the driver. He seems to be a darker skinned man with a blue uniform on. There is no one else on the bus that I can see. I turn back to Stephen, and I can tell that he has kept staring at me.

"Where are we? Where are we going?" I question. He looks down at his lap, and then back up out the windows.

"We are on our way to Kathmandu. We will actually be on the outside of town in just a few minutes," he explains. He looks down at his wrist. I then see his watch for the first time. It is very nice, but it seems to be cracked. That's odd. Why would he want to wear a cracked watch? I look back up to him.

"What are we doing in Nepal?" I ask. He looks back up to me with a surprised look on his face.

"You know where Kathmandu is?" he asks with shock laced in his tone.

"Yes, of course. I did a whole course on Asia in high school," I respond. Asian culture is definitely one of my favorites, and I ended up being fluent in both Mandarina and Japanese.

"Can you answer my question as to why we are going to Kathmandu?" Stephen looks down once again.

This time I see something different in his eyes. Was it pain? Worry?

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