Chapter 6: The Truth

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Knock! Knock! Knock!

My eyes slowly open, the knocking waking me up from my sleep. Another knock echoes around the room from my door followed by a voice.

"Y/n! Y/n, can I come in?" Stephen exclaims from the other side. I rub my eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them.

"Yes," I grumble loud enough for him to hear me. The door cracks open, and Stephen comes in holding a tray of food. He smiles happily as he walks over to me. I slowly sit up and put my blanket to my lap and smile back. As I look, I can tell for the first time since I've been here he is wearing casual clothes. He has on black joggers, a grey shirt, and tennis shoes. He looks very handsome, but the yellow gloves really throw the whole outfit off.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Stephen says with a chuckle. I look over at the clock. It shows 10:30. I quickly look back at Stephen with a confused look.

"Why did you let me sleep in so late?" I question.

"I wanted you to get some rest. Besides, it's Saturday," he says looking down at the bed. "May I sit?" He nods toward the bed.

"Yes, of course," I nod and sit cross legged, so he has enough room. He sits down gently. "I know it's Saturday, but still. All we did yesterday was read and study because you said we needed to take it easy. I just thought that I've rested enough," I explain. Stephen smiles warmly, making butterflies in my stomach.

"I know. I know. But you have had a rough week and more sleep is never a bad thing," he says. He takes the tray that he is holding and puts it on my lap. I look at him startled. "Breakfast in bed. They stop breakfast at 8:30, so I made you some myself," Stephen explains. I look down and see fruit in a bowl, tea, and pancakes. There is also butter and syrup on the side. I love pancakes! My mom would make homemade pancakes for any special occasion for me since I was little. I smile at the thought.

"Wait! Pancakes! These are my favorite. Contrary to popular belief, pancakes are superior to waffles," I say with a giggle as my stomach grumbles. I'm really hungry now.

"Well, that's good. Pancakes are my favorite too," Stephen says with a smile.

"Thank you so much. When did you become such a good cook?" I ask.

"Now, y/n. I'm a man of many talents," Stephen answers cockily.

"I'm sure you are, Doctor. Will I get to learn of all of them one day?," I ask as I roll my eyes. Stephen gives a chuckle.

"One day," Stephen says, his beautiful eyes piercing into mine. His smile changes to a more serious face. "Look, I would love to stay to talk, but I have to get my room ready to get your stitches out," he says with a sigh.

"Oh, that's okay. I understand," I say not wanting to hear my disappointment. I hate eating alone. It makes me feel... empty.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Do you want to meet me at 11:30 in my room?" Stephen asks. I nod.

"Sounds good. The sooner the better. They really are annoying," I answer.

"I bet they are," Stephen says while standing up.
"Alright, I'll see you soon, y/n. I hope you'll like the pancakes," he says while opening the door.

"I know I will," I respond with a slight smile. We stare at each other for a few seconds until Stephen quickly closes the door behind him. I sigh. I'm left to my own thoughts. This can be a horrible situation.
I look down at my food and quickly dig in. The pancakes and the tea are still hot. Everything is so good. Man, Stephen can really cook.

I finish speedily, so I don't have any negative thoughts. I just really want to start off the day on a good note. I get out of bed and place the tray on my desk. I make my way to the bookcase to pick out my outfit for today. I go to the bathroom. I get changed, put on deodorant, brush my teeth, and brush my hair. I also put on a little makeup knowing that Stephen liked the last time I did. Dang it. These thoughts again. He does not like me. God, why am I thinking these things?

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