Chapter 3: The Ancient One

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

My eyes quickly shoot open to the obnoxiously loud sound of the alarm clock. I roll over and pull my arm from underneath the covers to turn it off. I lay in bed for a minute. I had such a good sleep. It is hard to believe that I did because of everything I experienced the day before. I finally decide to roll out of bed. I grab my clothes that Stephen had given me last night and slowly limp my way into the bathroom. I use the bathroom and get dressed. It is a light blue two-piece tunic. The top is short sleeves with a white undershirt, and the bottoms go down to my ankles. It is all very loose until I put on a detailed white and cream-colored belt around my waist. The belt made the tunic closer fitting, and it accentuated my curves. I brush my teeth, and then my hair. I look under the sink in the cabinets and found deodorant and hair ties. I put my hair up in a low ponytail and put on the deodorant. I give myself one last look in the mirror.

"As good as it's going to get," I say as I walk out. My feet hit the cold hard wooden floor compared to the warmer tiles of the bathroom. I get a cold chill and look down at my bare feet. That is when I realize I don't have any shoes that aren't the ones from yesterday with blood all over them. I quickly look around the room hoping they would magically pop up. My eyes go to the rocking chair, and there they are, right beside the chair. Stephen must have set them down before talking to me. Thank God for him. I really would hate walking around barefoot asking for shoes from people I hardly know. I go over and realize socks are inside of them. I put on the white ankle socks and the shoes. They are light grey that are a mix between sneakers and vans. They are the perfect size. I wonder how Stephen knew my shoe size. I shrug off the thought and look at the clock. 7:20. Just in time. I go over to my bed and quickly make it up. I go over to the door and exit the room, shutting it behind me. I look to my left for Stephen. No one. I then look to my right and see him.

"Ahhh!" I scream and jump back a little. "You startled me," I say with a little laugh. Stephen smiles.

"I'm sorry. It's becoming a bad habit of mine," he says. I smile back.

"You're fine. Like I said, I'm just a jumpy person," I respond, not wanting him to feel bad.

"Okay," he gives a quick nod. "Well, good morning, y/n," Stephens says. He is wearing a dark maroon colored tunic set. He also has on a brown belt. He still has on his mustard yellow leather gloves and the cracked watch. What a combination. The tunic top is sleeveless, and it perfectly shows off his muscles and milky white skin that is sprinkled lightly with freckles. Apparently, I had been staring at his arms too long because he gave a little cough. I look back up to him and see him staring at me. My face grows hot.

"And a good morning to you, Stephen," I say quickly looking down at the ground. I can still feel his eyes boring into me.

"Well, we should be going, so we are not late for breakfast," he says, breaking the silence. I look back up. His eyes are intense and full of kindness.

"Yes, of course. I'm starving. Lead the way." I nod. He turns and starts walking down the hallway. I start walking as fast as I can, but the pain made it unbearable to walk normally. Stephen's strides are so much larger than mine, and I can't keep up. I wince and start to hold my abdomen. I guess Stephen notices my predicament and stops a few feet away from me.

"Y/n," he starts. "You should have told me you are having trouble, and I would have helped you walk from the start," he says. I stop limping.

"No, it really is fine, Stephen. I don't want to be a burden. Please, go on. I will make it." I smile and take my hand out as to shoo him away. As I do that, I get lightheaded from the sharp wave of pain pulsing through my body. I'm about to fall when Stephen runs over and catches me.

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