Chapter 5: The Argument of Questions

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Smoke. All around me is smoke. I look around my dining room that has been destroyed by the explosion. I see my dead brother, and my dad still wrapped around him. His body, unable to help save him from the wreckage. I can't look at them any longer. I can't process what I'm seeing. I look to find my mom. There she is. On the ground. Bleeding from something metal that impaled her. I slowly walk to her, but before I reach her, a man calls out to me.

"Y/n!" the voice calls out. I turn behind me and see Stephen. He seems battered and hurt. There are multiple cuts on his face and a deep womb bleeding from his arm. The Cloak of Levitation slightly torn on the ends.

"Stephen," I start hoarsely, my voice dry from the smoke. "What's happening?" I croak.

"Y/n, you need to get away from here. You need to run away as fast and as far as you can," Stephen says quickly as he walks towards me. Worry fills his eyes.

"What? What do you mean? I can't leave my family. I can't leave you," I say, starting to get choked up. My vision starts to get blurred by the tears threatening to roll out of my eyes.

"Please, y/n. I need you to leave for me. I can't' have you getting hurt," Stephen says as he puts his gloved hand on my shoulder. His eyes are filled with sorrow, and they look as though they are also filled with tears.

"But-" I start but is cut off by a loud thud behind me. As I turn around, Stephen steps in front of me. He puts his arm in front of me and pushes me back with it. I see a man in a green tunic set, but he is all blurry. It is like he has no defined lines, and I can't see his face.

"Ahh. I see you have led her right to me," I hear the man say evilly. Stephen walks up to him.

"You are not going to hurt her," he says angrily.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard all that before," the man says back.

"I'm going to protect her," Stephen says firmly.

"Are you willing to die for her? Because you will," the man says with an evil laugh.

"If I have to, then yes," Stephen responds, not changing.

"No, Stephen!" I yell. Stephen turns to look at me. As he does, the man ignites his magic and swings at Stephen. Stephen is hit and thrown to the ground. I gasp in horror as I see the man get on top of him. Stephen looks up, and in return, ignites his magic and knocks him back. Stephen quickly stands up and has his magic on full force. I see the man get up. He looks at Stephen for a second, and then at me. He tilts his head, and my heart drops. He starts running towards me. Stephen starts running towards the man. I watch in slow motion as the man turns to Stephen and makes what seems like a glass sword. He stops, and as Stephen approaches him, he stabs Stephen through the chest. I gasp.

"No!!" I scream, as I see Stephen hit the ground. The glass sword disappears. I stand there is shock. Tears are streaming down my face. I can't breathe. Everything hurts. Stephen's head turns my direction. His once piercing eyes, now dull, look into mine.

"I'm sorry, y/n," he barely lets out as he closes his eyes. I fall to my knees, shaking from sobbing.

"God, Stephen, no," I whisper as I start to crawl over to his lifeless body. Doctor Stephen Strange. The only man I had ever truly talked to. The only person I consider a friend. Dead. Because of me. Before I get to his body, the man steps in front of me. I look up at his blurry face.

"Why? God, why?!" I question in rage. The man gives an evil laugh.

"Why?" he starts. "To get to you." I then see him make the same glass sword and raise it above my head. I keep looking up. I just stay still, not knowing what to do.

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