Chapter 28

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"I'm sorry to catch you all at leaving time, and I know this isn't the best time for Marissa, but this needs to be said." JJ speaks.

"What is-."

"Gideon's dead." Garcia blurts out and starts to cry.

"As in dead?" Spencer stupidly asks.

"Non living yes as in dead." JJ snaps.

"Well damn woman, calm yourself." Morgan says loudly.

"As much as we should mourn, we have another case and we to be in Daytona Beach Florida." Hotch says, his voice sad.

"Pack your bags team. We have a plan to catch." Rossi speaks up. Spencer and I walk over to our desks and grab our to-go bags.

"Spence, I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." He smiles and kisses my cheek. I knew this was hard on him most of all, but he was being strong. For me. I quickly open the bathroom door. I take my makeup bag out of my bag and fix the black makeup that had stained my face. I fixed my makeup and I went to my shoulder bag and grabbed the change of clothes that I always kept with me. I changed into printed tights and a gray shirt that was slightly big on me. I slipped my feet into my black vans. I let my hair cascade down my shoulders. It was curly and had red streaks through it.

"Marissa, are you ready?" I hear Spencer's voice and spray my perfume and stuff my stuff into my go bag, I swing open the door and watch Spencers tear stained eyes go wide.

"Um wow." He says.

"Ready babe?" I ask him. He can't seem to form any words so he only nods. I hold out my hand and we walk to the car together. Everyone was waiting for us.

"Marissa are you okay?" Morgan asks me.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just needed to change things." I smile.

"Are you all ready to go?" Hotch asks me.

"Yeah, let's go." They all give me puzzling looks as they start the car and drive to the airport.


A few hours later we arrive at DBA (Daytona Beach Airport). The local police are waiting for us. I have to cover my ears because there's a race track and the races are practicing for a big race coming up.

"I'm John Kenneth of the Daytona Beach Police Department. Chief Police. Wish we didn't have to meet under these circumstances, but we have a room set up for you at the office."

"We need to see all your security footage for the crime scenes. We need to you to give all your footage and show the FBI Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia." Hotch says to the officer and Garcia. Who came with us because there case had a website with it where the victims were posting their killings. They lead us where we need to go.

"Reid and May, first crime scene. A park." Hotch says.

"The kids round here call it Rainbow Park. I'll have Ian Smith take you." John says. Spencer and I follow the officer to a car where a young officer was sitting in the car.

"I take it your Ian Smith." I smile then bite my lip.

"Yeah whos asking?"

"I'm Marissa and this is Doctor Spencer Reid. You are supposed to tke us to the first crime scene some park."

"Oh right. Get in and I'll take you guys." He winks at me and I feel Spencers girp on my left hand become tighter.

"Calm down Spence. As hot as you are when you're jealous, we have a job to do." I lean up and whisper in his ear and pull him into the backseat.

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