Alex's POV
I lean against the wall and put mascara on cause I saw Jack and his girlfriend go into a room and they're out in ten minutes and once she's gone I say "that was fast." Jack checks me out saying "she apologized for something and wanted to suck my dick" shrugging and I say "mmm, sounds boring" and he says "only boring when you're bad at it." I bite my lip saying "I can agree with that" and he says "I bet you're better" and I say "I don't date football players." He says "this isn't dating" and I say "what makes me special then?" He says "that you seem to want to be around me for more than just sex" stepping closer to me and I say "I don't date football players" and he says "but you always seem to fall for them" putting his hand under my chin. I say "Oli's gonna kill us" and he says "then I guess you're not gonna tell him" and I bite my lip saying "you aren't going to say anything either" and he says "what do I have to gain from telling him?" I say "whatever" and he says "you should let me take you out sometime" and I say "I don't date football players, tried, gave up" and he says "I'm sure you could change." I say "I'm not that easy" him still close to me as I turn us around so I can open the door behind me, his eyes still staring into mine. Jacks eyes look from my eyes to my lips and he says "you seem pretty easy right now" and I say "I think you're easy" his lips inches from mine. He says "you sure I can't take you out? I like to take my dates out to dinner first" and I say "stop lying, player" and he kisses me hard but it's slow very hot and heavy like water would evaporate if it hit our skin. I sigh, gripping his hair. He's so hot and seems like good dating material despite fucks every girl around here but I think he does that just cause he can not cause he wants to. I say "you're hard to figure out" and I kiss him again cause it feels so damn good. He mumbles "what's that supposed to mean?" I mumble "you know what I meant, just shut up" and I kiss him harder and I sigh, just letting him take control. His hands move down to my hips and I keep kissing him, letting his hands go wherever they want, he pushes me against a wall in the room and kisses my neck.
Smut starts
I grip his hair and move my hand down his stomach and I move my other hand and I start unbuttoning his jeans. He keeps kissing my neck and I say "I have a feeling you're really good at this" and he says "where'd you get that?" I say "why would girls flock to you if you weren't good in bed?" He says "ok, time for you to shut up" kissing me and I say "does that mean I made a good point?" Jack says "shhh" kissing me hard and I moan quietly, he hates when he doesn't have a better point than the other in conversation. I bite his lip and he bites back and I turn us around so he's against the wall and I kiss his neck and I pull his shirt off and he mumbles "you're fast" and I mumble "no, I know what I'm doing." I kiss his cheek then kiss down his chest and abs, his abs are wonderful, I'd only date him for his abs. I get on my knees like the whore I am and he locks the door and I palm him through his boxers saying "you think I'm better than her?" He says "better at this than her" and I say "you must be pretty confident in me to say that" and he says "I'm confident that she sucks at this" and I smile, leaving a few hickeys on his hips. I take his boxers off and he says "you're so hot" and I look up at him as I lick his tip softly then I suck him off and he grips my hair, good, he likes it. He forces my head down a bit and he mumbles "you're definitely better at this" and I jerk him off and I stand up and I kiss him softly and I pull my hand away and he pushes me onto the bed. He pushes my dress up and I take it off and he kisses me mumbling "you're so hot" and I smile saying "mmm, you're so hot" and he takes my underwear off. He jerks me off slowly and leans down to kiss me as I moan and I say "just fuck me already, just be easy, I'd like to walk tomorrow" and he kisses me mumbling "are you sure?" I mumble "yes, I'm sure" running my fingers through his hair and I look thorough the drawer in the nightstand with my hand as he kisses me and I mumble "I'm in luck, boy" when I find lube. I put some on my hand and I jerk him off as he kisses me and he pushes in slowly and I say "you're really good for your first time" biting my lip. He says "how'd you know?" I moan saying "I just know" and he kisses my neck saying "tell me how much you like it then" and I moan, moving my hands to his back and just moving my nails up and down his back as he thrusts in slowly. I say "fuck, that's really good" shifting my hips and he thrusts in more saying "you like it?" I say "yeah, I like it" as he leaves hickeys on my collarbone and I say "fuck, right there" as he hits exactly where I want him to. I moan saying "right there" and he just thrusts harder and I say "yes, Jack, right there" my nails digging harder into his back. He kisses my jaw as he does this and I say "I'm gonna cum" gripping his hip and he says "fuck I'm close" and I move one of my hands to his hair and I moan, cumming as he thrusts in, him cumming after me.
Smut ends
I moan saying "fuck, that was good" letting my hands just rest in his back and he lazily kisses me mumbling "was that good?" I mumble "yeah, really good" rubbing his back and he mumbles "now can I take you on a date?" I laugh saying "you don't take people on dates, don't kid yourself" kissing him and he says "maybe we can change that" and I say "ok" rolling my eyes and smiling. Jack says "you're so hot" and I say "maybe we'll have to hang out or something to start with" kissing him and he mumbles "deal" biting my lip and I say "ok, let me up" and he kisses my neck.

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