Alex's POV
I say "thanks, Oli, your my sugar daddy now" and we laugh and my dad texts me saying:
Dad: where are you?
Me: why?
Dad: cause I wanna know
I turn the tracker off on my phone and I call my mom and she says "yeah, your father already told me, what's up?" I put my phone on speaker saying "he just asked me where I am" and she says "k, honey, turn your tracker off and don't walk alone" and I say "what happened?" She says "he tried to hit me then said he wanted nothing to do with us" and I say "then what did you say?" She says "told him to suck a dick and get over it, what did you tell him?" I say "the girl felt sorry then I told him to get dressed and get out of my damn house then he said he paid for the house and I told him I didn't care then he called me a fag then Oli grabbed him and threatened to curb stomp him." She says "what do you mean the girl felt bad?" I say "he forgot to tell you that Oli, Joshua and I came home to him fucking a chick over the counter, she said that he told her that he was single and lived alone and she was practically crying as she apologized to me. Did you kick him out?" She says "yeah, of course I did, well, now I'm gonna dye my hair purple and drink some wine cause my asshole of husband wouldn't let me before, so any objections?" I say "no" and Oli says "it would be hot! Do it!" My mom laughs saying "thanks, Oli, ok, let me know when you'll be home, I love you" and I say "I will, I love you too" and we hang up. Oli says "I still wanna fuck your mom" and I laugh saying "you've wanted to fuck my mom since you knew what sex was" us laughing. Josh says "I'm not even offended" and Rian says "now I have to meet your mom to see what he's on about" and we laugh and I say "you'll meet her at some point" us chuckling. I bite my lip and Jack says "your mom is my favorite person now" and we chuckle and Josh says "I'm gonna start telling you suck a dick and get over it" looking at Oli. We laugh and Oli says "I don't think I care" and we chuckle and I say "you do but it's pretty funny" and Zack says "would your mom actually say that in an argument?" I say "yeah, she says it to me a lot" and we laugh and I say "it's rather amusing, I think she's happy about this divorce thing" chuckling. Oli says "your dad makes me want to shoot up a school" quietly and I chuckle saying "don't do that but same" and we chuckle. I say "my dad is so annoying" rubbing my forehead and Josh says "same" and Oli says "same" and we chuckle and I say "Josh wins the worst dad ever award" and he says "yeah, ok, subject change." I say "sorry, I love ice cream, thanks, Oliver" and Oli rolls his eyes saying "you're welcome" and Josh says "thank you" turning to Oli and smiling like he does when he wants something. Oli says "you're welcome but what do you want, love?" Josh says "I don't want anything" biting his lip and Oli says "I know what you want" and Josh says "I don't want anything" and we chuckle and I just let them talk each other like they do. I say "keep it PG" rolling my eyes and we chuckle and I say "I'm serious" and we talk for a while then we all decide to leave. Once everyones gone and it's just be and Jack I say "can you walk with me?" He says "sure" and our hands slowly brush together as we walk and he says "you look cute" and I blush saying "shhh" and he chuckles. We get to my door and I say "do you wanna come in?" His eyes flick to my lips then back to my eyes and says "sure" and I smile saying "ok" biting my lip and we go inside. My mom says "hey, what do you think?" I say "I like it, looks good" and she says "thank you" smiling and she says "you guys do whatever you want, I'm going to go deal with Oli's mom cause she wants to 'hang out', meaning let me complain about my kid while he's in the other room, actually kill me now" and she leaves. I kiss Jack softly and he says "mmm, that was nice" and I roll my eyes and I sit on the counter and he stands in between my thighs and he kisses me, gripping my thighs. I bite his lip and he then bites my lip softly and I say "I like this" and he says "so you like me?" I say "no, I like this, not you" and he says "ouch" and I smile, kissing him and he goes between gripping my thighs and gripping my hips. I smile into the kiss, gripping his hands and he mumbles "are you sure?" I say "not at all" and he chuckles, kissing me and I kiss him back. I lick his bottom lip and he smiles, licking my lips and I open my mouth slowly and he does the same. I bite my lip as I pull away slowly and he says "your lips are nice" and I smile, him rubbing my sides as he kisses me. Jack mumbles "you're hot" and I mumble "you're hot" and he grips my thighs and I wrap my arms around his waist, pulling myself closer to him. He says "Alex" and I swear my heart skips a beat and I say "hmm?" He says "hi" against my lips and I say "hey" smiling and licking his lips slowly.

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