Chapter 3

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You knock on his apartment door, pencil and binder in hand. It has been a while since you've been here. Man, how you've missed it.

The door swung open to a reveal an out-of-breath Dave. His shades were askew and his shirt was riled up. "Sup (Y/N)."

You raise an eyebrow, and look at his attire.

He straightens his glasses and shirt and takes your pen and binder, tossing them on the couch and closing the door behind him

"What are you doing?" You asked. Weren't you two supposed to do a project or something?

"This project is about getting to know each other right?" He said still out of breath.

You nod. "Then we'll get no where when we are in my room asking questions we already know the answer to." He said, now pullling you into the elevator.


"What do you mean, 'questions we already know the answer to'?" You ask suspiciously. Of course you knew the answer, you just wanted him to say it.

He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall of the elevator. "(Y/N), I still know a lot about you, and you know a lot about me." He said "It's not like you changed."

So he did remember you. He just basically avoided and ignored you . Oh hell, to the morherfucking, no!

"Oh how would you know, you jackass?" You snap, surprising him, as well as yourself.

Anger boiled in your stomach, but you said nothing else. As soon as you got to ground level you marched out of the elevator and went back up the stairs, to get your stuff.

How dare he! Does he not know the pain he put you through!? He left you! Completely alienated you from his life, to be a part of the in crowd. He was your best and only friend at the time! How could he!

You reach his door and stop. You sigh and take the small gold chain out of your shirt.

Yes, you still wore the delicate necklace Dave got you on your 12th birthday. In all honesty, you haven't taken it off since that day.

If only you two were twelve again.....

You wipe away the tears forming in your eyes and walked in the door, but was soon tackled.

"Alright you little shit, where's Lil' Ca-" the voice stops. you open your eyes to see Bro on top of you, katana already being lowered. "(Y/N)?"

You smile brightly and nod. He smiles too, picks you up, and hugs you tightly. "Where the hell have you been Lil Sis?"

You bury your face in his chest and hug him tighter. "Man, I missed you Bro." you say with a large smile. You let go of him and turn your large smile, into a sad one.

"I-I'm gonna go home now, my father is probably home..." You say, getting your binder and pencil from the couch and headed toward the door.

"(Y/N)? You sure you don't wanna hang awhile?" Bro said, obviously upset you're leaving. When you were about to answer, Dave walked in the door and froze.

You turned your gaze to him and glared. You pushed past him, saying "Yeah" before you shut the door behind you.


You walked home. That trip to their apartment was completely pointless.

Dave doesn't realize how long six years is. He hasn't so much as looked in your direction before this goddamn project. How the hell would he know if you were different or not?

You huff and step into your house, only to be greeted by yelling.

"(Y/N), where were you?" Your father boomed. You roll your eyes.

More of this bullshit....

"Dad, chill. I was at Dave's" you say, kicking your shoes off at the door.

You were climbing up the stairs when he boomed again. "You better be in this house after school (Y/N)! I won't tell you again."

"Whatever Dad." you say loud enough for him to hear, and slammed your door, locking it behind you.

You heard him shout empty threats behind the door and walk off. Jesus you hated it when your Dad was home. You would much rather prefer him in another state, no, continent than for him to be here.

Although you loved him as much as any daughter could love a father, you couldn't stand him.

You plop on you bed, and scroll through your songs. You hit play and go to your desk.

"Come around, come around, make a wall of thunder. Be a spark in the dark, a tidal wave of dancing light" you sang along as you start typing on your computer.

"Build it up now, waiting for the drop is the wonder. Oh, what a sound, raining down all around, you're a beautiful sight!" You sang again.

Just when your part was about to come on, someone pestered you.

-- turntechGodhead [TG] started pestering artisticStarbomb [AS] at 16:23 --

TG: yo (Y/N)
TG: why'd you leave?

You roll your eyes and don't reply. Jackass should know why you left if he knows you so well. You then heard the familiar ping again.

TG: dude, i know you're reading this

You growl and type back to the infuriating boy.

AS: What Strider?

TG: omg you're alive?!

AS: Stfu! What are you pestering me for?

TG: well we do have a project due in like a week and a half

AS: You said you already know everything about me. And me you.

AS: Why should I waste my time getting to know a jackass I already know?

There was a pause and you sat back waiting for his answer. Though you'd never admit it out loud, you were feeling guilty of how harsh you were actually being.

At least he is trying to make an attempt to get to know you more. Right?

TG: well six years is a long time

TG: we don't want to be incorrect about our partners do we?

You smile a bit

AS: Fine, come over.

AS: If you still remember where I live

-- artisticStarbomb [AS] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] at 16:45 --


Heres the next chappy!!

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