Chapter 2

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For the rest of class, you were staring out the window. You haven't talked to Strider since sixth grade, and now you were supposed to do a paper on him?!

It was bad enough that people already picked on you, now you'll never live this down. All the girls in his little fan club will find out and maim you! Oh gog what are you gonna do-

"Alright class! See you on Furiday!" Mrs. Leijon said, as the rest of the class got up and left. You shook your head and went to her desk.

"Mrs. Leijon how could you do this to me?" You whimper and set your books down on her desk.

"Oh (Y/N) I just couldn't help it! You've told me so much about mew two and I just ship mew guys so hard!" She said squealing a bit.

You roll your eyes, "I told you he's been ignoring me since sixth grade! He most likely forgot everything about me."

She stopped beaming, turning it to a soft smile, and crossed her arms.

"(Y/N) just try. It's just one assignment. It wouldn't hurt." she said softly, but you saw a small devious glint in her eye.

You nod and pick up your books, heading out the door. Your next class doesn't start for another 20 minutes. That is the good thing about your school.

As soon as you step out, you were startled by Dave leaning on the wall next to the door. You gasp and drop your books.

"Clumsy much?" he says expressionlessly. You growl and pick up your books.

"As if Strider. You just scared me." you grumble getting back up and walking past him.

It wasn't long before you heard him start walking with you. "So how you wanna do this?" He asked.

"I don't know, how about I just do the whole thing and give you a break." you say sarcastically

He puts his hands in his pockets and chuckles, "Tempting offer, but doesn't that defeat the purpose of us getting to know one another?"

'You should already know me well enough, you bastard.' You thought. "I'll come to your house after school to work on the papers." you say

You grumble again, this time loud enough for only you to hear . "The sooner I get this damned project over with, the better."

He nods and stops you, taking out his phone. "What's your Chum Handle?" He asks pulling up the app, his hand still grasping your arm gently.

You yank your arm away and stare up at him, "artisticStarbomb" you grunt out. He nods and types it in, but then gives a confused frown.

"I already have you." he says shrugging. You automatically think of Bro. He must've put it in Dave's phone without him knowing.

Man, now that you think about it, you really missed Bro. He was like your father/awesome big brother figure in your life. Now all the disappointment and anger toward Dave momentarily faded away, and was replaced by excitement with finally seeing Bro after six years.

But.......that feeling soon faded away too. What if he didn't remember you either? What if he just ignored you like Dave did? What if-

"(Y/N)?" Dave called out, interrupting your internal debate.

"Y-Yeah!" You say turning back him.

He raises one of his eyebrows and asks his question again."I asked if you needed a ride to my house or not."

Hmmmm.... Get in a car with the boy you've been crushing on- you mean avoiding for six years or walk to their apartment alone with no awkward silences.

"Ill walk." you state simply. He then raises his other eyebrow and puts his phone up.

"You sure? I live pretty far from the school. At least ten minutes away." he says sticking his hands in his pockets again.

It wasn't a problem for you actually. There were times where Jade didn't attend school so you had to ride the bus to and from school. Plus your house was down the street from where their apartment was. It wasn't a big deal.

"I'm pretty sure. Don't worry, I'll be at your house to work on the stuff. Now where do you live?" You ask him.

Of course you already knew where he lived. You didn't need to be told again, but you couldn't just show up at his house and he didn't even tell you where he lived. He'll just think you're a stalker.

He told you as the bell rung for fourth period. "W-We better get going. I don't want to get a lecture from Mr.Vantas again." you say and turn down the hall with Dave trailing slightly behind.


Hope you guys like the book so far guys! I'll try to make the chapters longer!

Ironically Fallen For You (Dave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now