Chapter 10

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It was the end of the day and you rushed to Mrs. Lejion's room. You had finished your paper early, so you may as well turn it in now. It wasn't due til Friday, but being that you are sometimes forgetful with things like this, you don't wanna risk losing it. You walk into her classroom and place it on her desk.

She looks up from the papers she was grading and smirked up at you. "Done already (Y/N)?" she asked, peeking over the rim of her glasses to look at you. You smile and sit on her desk while she reads your paper. You see her smile as she reads. When she is done, she calmly takes off her glasses, stands up, and yanks you into her chest.

"Oh my FEELS! My ship is sailing! There is no other feeling in the world like finding out one of your ships has sailed!" she squeals. You internally thank yourself for closing the door behind you. She let you go and sat back down in her chair. "I want mew to tell me efurrything." she beamed.

You were a little reluctant at first, not wanting to be suffocated by her boobs again, but you did anyway. You told her about the day she assigned the project and how you guys went on that date to the meadow, bravely mentioning that you two exchanged "I love you's", and caught her up to present day. You could see that she was turning red from excitement.

She then turned her look of excitement into a look of smugness. "If it weren't fur me, mew two wouldn't even be dating. I feel like mew owe me your furst born child." she snickered. You rolled your eyes and took a stack of tests and a red pen your self. You normally did this with her. Help her grade projects and tests so she could go home faster.

"I admit that yes, if it hand't been for your crazy shipping, I wouldn't have finally gotten with him." You smile, checking and marking a test down with a 86. She smiles back at you and shakes her head. You two continue with small chat until you finish all the grading and grab your things.

"I hope to see mew two at the purrom tomorrow. Do mew need a ride home (Y/N)?" She said locking her door behind her. You shook your head, telling her that you would walk home. Sure it was 4:55, but you would be home in fifteen minutes. She then nodded and gave you a hug before walking out of the school.

You sigh. You had to go home and cook dinner for yourself and Jade, plan the hairstyle and makeup for tomorrow, and clean the house a little before your mother got home tonight. Rubbing your temple you gather your things and walk of the school.

Surprisingly you see Dave leaning against his car, checking his phone. "Hey, why didn't you go home yet?" you say, walking up to him. He looked up and smirked, pecking you on the lips before answering.

"I was waiting on you." he said opening the door for you. You slipped in and close the door while he went on the driver's side and got settled.

"I must've been in there for like an hour and a half. You didn't have to wait on me." you say buckling up as he drove toward your house.

"It really is no big deal, babe." he said shaking his head, "I didn't do it 'cause I had to, I did  it 'cause I wanted to." You smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks. I appreciate that." You say laying your head on his shoulder. You feel him smile and kiss your head, then turning back toward the road.

When you got to your house, you both stepped in, taking off your hoodie and throwing it on the rail of the stairs, and going into the kitchen. By the looks of it, you mother wasn't home yet and Jade was either sleeping or at Karkats house.

You sigh and walk up the stairs to your room." Man, I have to clean and cook and plan everything for tomorrow..." You trail off

"Where's your mom? I thought she come home today." Dave asks following you into your room.

You open your door and flop on your bed, looking up to your ceiling. " Yeah she should be home in about two, maybe three hours." You groan squeezing your eyes shut.

You opened your eyes when you felt the light from your fan dim. Dave was leaning over you, a smirk on his lips. "Y'know if you wanna relax for a little," he purred, kissing on your neck," I got something we can do."

You smirked along with him and pressed your lips to his, tangling your fingers in his hair. His hips were in between your thighs, making his manhood press against you. You moaned softly at the feeling, giving him the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth.

His hand traveled up your shirt, creating butterflies in your stomach. You felt his hand go under your bra, making you moan as he rolled and rubbed your nipple. You could tell that all your moaning was making him hard. Dave then grinded on you, making you make a sound that you didn't even know you could make.

Just as he started tugging at your pants, you heard the front door open.

(A/N HA! You pervs! The lemon isn't in this chapter ;D)

"(Y/N)? You here yet?" You heard Jade call out for you.

You groaned and got up, fixing yourself before shouting,"Yeah! I'm upstairs." You scowl at the stairs and went back to Dave,"Sorry about that." You say nodding over to the door.

He chuckled, "We'll get another chance, but first you gotta promise me something." You gave him a questionable look. He wrapped his arms around your waist and got close to your ear. "Just make sure you do your part and scream for me when we do."

With that, he placed a kiss on you neck and left, leaving you dumfounded, hot, and bothered. And you liked it.


Sorry for late chappy >^< but ayeeeee you got a sneak peak at the lemon I'm planning for you guys ;) be prepared XD

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