Chapter 4

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What possessed you to invite him to your house, you don't know. You were supposed to be angry!

Well he probably doesn't remember where you live anyway. You look down at the PJs you changed into not too long ago. Your Spongebob themed shorts were worn but still comfy and soft. And your oversized t-shirt was more than cozy.

You sighed, knowing that you had to change, again. It's a shame too. Its soooooo comfy.

You walk to your oversized closet filled with t-shirts and jeans. You trudge over to your favorite band shirt and grab a pair of shorts off of the shelf.

You put them on and walk out of your closet to see Dave sitting on your computer chair, spinning.

You gasp and growl. "When did you get here?"

He stops and looks at you. You think you see a hint of red on his cheeks and ears, but it could just be the heat of your room. It was pretty hot is there.

"I was walking here when I first pestered, and for the record," he said getting up and walking to you," I've always remembered where you live." He stood almost half a foot taller than you, which kind of intimidated you.

He was close too...maybe just a little bit closer and-

Wait, whoa bro! Slow down there! You. Are. Mad. At. Him. Stay mad, jeez.

You look up at him and huff. Sometimes you hate your small demeanor. "Whatever. Let's start." you say heading toward your bed. However, you felt him wrap his arms around your waist and pull you down to the chair with him.

"D-Dave! What are you doing?!" You say struggling to get out of his lap. His grip got tighter and he laid his head on your back.

"I didn't get a hug you know. Bro got one." he said chuckling.

Oh no, no, no. It doesn't work like that. You hadn't seen Bro in six years and he actually acknowledged your presence. Dave, you have seen everyday, but he fluttered like the ironic little shitty social butterfly he is and ignored your existence for those same six years.

You cross your arms and huff, closing your eyes and turning up your nose. "You don't get one, now let me go, Dave."

His grip got tighter, and you could just hear the smile in his words. "That's just too bad cause I'm not letting go until I get one, (Y/N)."

He is making it seriously hard to not forgive him. You could never hold a grudge for very long on anyone, especially on Dave. And in all honesty, the six year thing is all you have on him. And you forgave him quite awhile ago.

Still hurt like hell though.

...Like a lot.

You were too busy arguing with yourself to notice that he turned you around. Your legs now were hanging on either side of his hips, and his hands were now on yours.

You open your eyes to see him with a cocky grin on that stupid face of his. Ugh! Screw him! You won't do it!

"Please give a me hug?~" he drawled out.

Don't you dare give in. You better not. Don't you do it!

You felt your cheeks redden. Oh god dammit!

You sigh, wrap you arms around his neck, and hug him tight. He returns your gesture and stays like that for a while.

You loved hugging him. He always made you feel better when you were younger. He had always been that kid that was too cool for any romantic or affectionate gesture.

Well except for make-out sessions with random girls. Those meant nothing to him.

With you, though, he would do anything to make you feel better. He would always smile, just for you. Not in public of course. And he would make you laugh.

Why did he end it? Were you not enough? Were you annoying?

These same thoughts flooded into your mind from all the other times you've wondered why. You felt your eyes tear up and you sniffle a little.

He pulled back and looked at you, furrowing his eyebrows. "What are you crying for? It's just a hug." He said

You shook your head and sighed. "It's nothing important." you say wiping your eyes and getting up.

You sniffle one more time before you sit on your bed and get out your note book. "So how would you describe yourself?" You ask him.

He doesn't answer. Instead you see his eyes travel to your neck. He blushes and then looks back at you. "You still wear it?"

"Wear what?" You ask

He gets up and takes the delicate charm in his hand. "This."

You blush along with him. You'd meant to hide it in your shirt again. Cursing yourself for forgetting, you take it from out of his hand and put it in your shirt.

"So what if I do? Why does it matter?" You ask writing his name on a piece of paper. He shakes his head and answers.

"I'm an ironic motherfucker who likes to spit sick rhymes and make phat beats." he says shrugging and taking out a paper of his own.

You roll your eyes and write it down. Still the same Dave. "Now how would you describe yourself?" He asks.

You think a little. "Well I'm quite quiet and antisocial." you say flatly. Hey! The truth isn't pretty!

He shakes his head, "Nope! Not writing that down." He says, putting his pencil down.

"And why not?" You ask putting your stuff down as well.

"Cause that's not how you are!" He said crossing his arms. You cross yours too.

"Yes it is" you argue

"No it isn't" you argues back

You two go back and forth for a while. You didn't stop until 10 minutes later when you dad yelled for you two to shut up.

You huff. "Okay then, how would you describe me?"

"Me?" He said pointing to himself. "Well from what I know about you, you are a really sweet, shy girl. Well reserved and polite." he starts

"But you are loud and crazy, with a hint of a psychotic side. Anyone would mistake you as a relative of Gamzee's when you're mad." he said smirking.

You smirk back, "Well I see you as a cocky douche with shades."

He shakes his head and chuckles. "You know me, (Y/N). Always gotta keep my doucheness on point and junk."

You giggle and shake your head. Maybe this won't be too bad after all...


:33 Don't worry, we are ALMOST to the part you guys are waiting for ^^

Ironically Fallen For You (Dave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now