Chapter 14

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You lay on your bed looking at the delicate necklace. He fixed it. Or he got it fixed. Either way it made you fill up with emotion.

You reluctantly put the necklace back around your neck. Your shoulders sunk, and your put your head in your hands. You knew Kanaya was right. But you found it so hard to forgive him.

He said he loved you, but then you found out it was all a prank. It hurt you more than you would've ever imagined. Just as soon as you were leaning back to think some more, Sexyback started playing. You rolled your eyes knowing that it was Jade's ringtone.

"Yes Jade?" You say monotonously.

Instead of hearing your friend's voice. You heard a deeper one along with her own.

"Have you talked to her yet?" Jade said.

"I tried, but she can't believe me. I don't exactly blame her." The voice, you recognized as Dave, said.

"Well if you bother her enough maybe she will. She'll catch on eventually." She replied.

It was then that you had a war within yourself. You desperately wanted to hear his response, but you also didn't want to hear it because it'd just break your heart more.

"Jade, I appreciate your effort but you and I both know how (Y/N) is. I only wish I hadn't screwed up and made that stupid bet. I deserve this." He said stoically.

And with that, the call ended. You have never been so at war with yourself in your entire life. You groaned in frustration and fell back. Oh how you wanted to forgive him and just kiss him non stop, but that'd make it easy for him.

You heard a knock at your door before Jade stepped in. You guess she was on her way here when she called. You rolled your eyes at her and rolled toward the wall.

"I hope you heard that by the way." She said, sitting in your desk chair, after throwing her messenger bag on her duffle.

When you said nothing she sighed. "Why won't you believe him (Y/N)? The guy has admitted that he was wrong several times. What more do you want from him?"

You turn and face her. What more did you want? You were confused yourself. You wanted him to feel the way you did. You wanted him to love you back as much as you loved him. You wanted him to have done none of the things he did. But no one has the power to go back in time. (Huehuehue)

You sigh and run your hand through your hair. "I just don't think I can take being hurt by him again. I just.....can't." You sniffle. "As much as I love him, I just can't go through this again. Plus, how do I know
this isn't a prank either?" You say, wiping a stray tear from your cheek.

She then gets up and goes to the door and gives a small smile. "Well why don't you ask him." She said, opening the door to reveal Dave, hands in his pockets, with him looking paler than usual.

You silently cursed and praised Jade for bringing him there. Mostly cursed, but still.

"I'll leave you two alone for a while. I'll be at Karkat's if you need me." She said winking at you.

You rolled your eyes, and turned around, facing the wall. You heard him sigh and sit in your office chair. "What do you want Dave?" You say coldly, your voice obviously laced with sadness.

He took a deep breath. "My partner for this project is (Y/N) (L/N)." He began, catching your attention, making your turn to face him.

He was looking at you, shades off, showing his full emotion in his red eyes. They were bloodshot and had bags under them. It was then that you finally realized how destroyed he looked.

Ironically Fallen For You (Dave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now