Chapter 9

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"You look beautiful (Y/N)." Rose said as you looked in the mirror. You smiled at her and continued to look at yourself in the red and black mini dress. It fit you perfectly and you thought you looked beautiful, which is a first because you didn't think of yourself as a dress person.

(A/N You guys would look beautiful in anything you wear. Be proud of yourself because you are beautiful, regardless of size and color. Everyone of you!)

Rose's fiancé, Kanaya, who is also the owner of the dress store you are in, approached you with a smile. "Oh, (Y/N), you look absolutely astounding." she gushed.

She was a twenty-three year old British/African American queen to you. So elegant, kind, and motherly. You totally understood why they were getting married. You smiled back at her and looked in the mirror.

"I hope Dave likes it." you smile shyly, "I-I'm not one for proms or dresses." You say, rubbing your arm. Kanaya then held your face in one of her hands and gave you a sympathetic look.

"He'll absolutely adore it, (Y/N)." she said kissing your forehead, probably leaving behind some of her black lipstick. You smile back up at her as Jade struts out of one of the dressing rooms wearing a long black dress with sparkles. It kinda looked like space to you.

She smiled and stood next to you, "(Y/N)! You look hot!" she said, hugging you. She twirled and her dress and giggled. You though Jade looked gorgeous in her dress. You know Karkat will absolutely adore her in it.

Earlier at school today, a lot of Dave's friends were snickering towards you. You tried your best to ignore the feeling of deep sadness. You asked Jade and Rose at lunch if they knew why the rest of their friends kept snickering, but they had no idea. You knew they weren't lying.

Today wasn't all bad though. Rose and Jade hung out with you all day! Even sat with you at lunch. They said they'd rather sit with you and be themselves than sit with Terezi and the others and pretend to who they are not.

Dave, however, didn't sit with you. In fact, he spent a lot of time with Terezi today. You shook off the feeling of suspicion. He loved you, not her. He's your boyfriend, not hers. And he's taking you to the prom on Wednesday, not her.

You smiled and spun along with Jade. "Kanaya! You are a fashion master! These are perfect for us!" Jade squeals. Rose then stands up and kisses her fiancé's cheek.

"Of course she is!" she then turned to the both of you, "Dave and Karkat are very lucky to have two beautiful girls." She smiled.

You both smiled back and went to go change into your normal clothes. After you and Jade left the shop, you both headed back to your house.

"It's suspicious to me." Jade said hanging her dress on one of the hooks on your wall and your dress on another.

"What is?" You ask, plopping down in your computer chair. She huffed and sat down on your bed, taking off her pants and throwing them on her duffle bag.

"How Dave and Rezi were so 'hush hush snicker snicker' today." she said. You rolled your eyes at her.

"It's whatever." you say, continuing where you left off with your paper on Dave. All of a sudden, Jade whipped your chair around, a glare in her eyes.

"No it is not 'whatever' (Y/N)! Something is up!" Jade said sternly. "I know Dave, and I know Terezi. They are up to something."

You shake your head, but you knew she was right. Dave mostly avoided you today. It was sort of suspicious. Just as you were about to say something, the doorbell rang.

You sighed and got up, bounding downstairs, peeking through the peephole to see who was at the door.

Sure enough, it was Dave. You sigh and open the door, but not enough to let him in. "What?" You huff.

Ironically Fallen For You (Dave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now