Chapter 8

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You wake up with a smile. Which is a first because you have never done that.

Last night with Dave was so much fun, it truly felt as if this entire thing was a dream. You prayed that it wasn't.

After you left the meadow, Dave took you out for dinner at a nearby McDonald's. You two weren't in the mood for overpriced fancy shmancy shit.

After eating, Dave thought it would be fun to crawl around the those indoor playgrounds that some of those franchises have. It didn't end well, though. Let's just say that it took you, three of the staff, and a stick of butter to get him out of the slide.

He drove you home then, still laughing at how sore his waist was. He kissed you goodbye at the door before he got into his car a sped toward his apartment.

You sit up in your bed, but feel a pressure on your waist. You roll your eyes and look down at the ever drooling Jade.

Jesus, you really hated when she slept in your bed sometimes. Jade was the biggest cuddler you have ever seen in your life. Plus, she kicks in her sleep.

You shake your head at your pain in the ass friend and pry her arms off of you. Setting your feet down on your cozy carpeted floor, you walk over to your desk, opening your laptop.

You've put this off long enough so you might as well get started. You open Microsoft Word and start typing away.

'Dave Strider is many things in my eyes. To me he is snobby, cocky, and a but of a player. He is also caring, friendly, a bit insecure, talented, and has a great sense of humor. His cool facade and aviators block out these traits though. He does his own thing and is proud of himself. He has the confidence of a really cocky guy who made a bet knowing that he was going to win. I've known Dave for a really long time, so I have gotten to see all of these traits first hand. He can be a bit much sometimes, but at the end of the day, he cares and loves for each of his friends. Over the past week, I've gotten to know more about my friend from sixth grade. Some things never change about him. Hopefully they never do. This is the Dave I hope everyone gets to know at one point in their life.'

You know it is a little short, but it's due Wednesday. You had more than enough time to edit it.

You walk downstairs with phone in hand, going into the kitchen to start breakfast. You plug up your phone to your speaker and turn up the volume.

You get a pancake pan out whilst the first verse plays.

"All alone in an empty room. Nothing left but the memories of when, I had my best friend. I don't know how we ended up here.
I don't know but it's never been so clear
We made a mistake, dear." You sang

Yes, you could sing, and fairly well at that. Not that anyone knew, or cared. You think Jade knows, but she sleeps so heavily and she's not always the shiniest penny in the bag.

So far you think only your mother and Jade know of your talent.

"And I see the broken glass in front of me
I see your shadow hanging over me
And your face, I can see..." You sing along with the man's voice. You whisk the the chocolate pancake batter in to bowl adding a few chocolate chips in.

"Through the trees! I will find you; I will heal the ruins left inside you. Coz I'm still here breathing now... I'm still here breathing now... I'm still here breathing now... Until I'm set free. Go quiet through the trees." A bright smile lit up your face as you flipped the last few pancakes and stacked them on a plate. Man, you loved the smell of triple chocolate pancakes in the morning.

Now all you needed to do was warm up some delicious Hershey's fudge and you could enjoy heaven on earth.

"I remember how we used to talk. About the places we would go when we were off. And all that we were gonna find. And I remember watching our seeds grow. And how you cried when you saw the first leaves show. The love was pouring from your eyes." You get a pot out and get seven king size chocolate bars from you cabinet.

Ironically Fallen For You (Dave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now