Chapter 11

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"(Y/N)! Hold still!"

"You're burning me you noob!" You yelled at Jade as she finished curling your hair. Jegus you hated when she did your hair! Though it always turned out flawless, she would burn the hell out of you or pull out more than a few strands of hair! You were surprised you weren't bald yet.

"Oh, shut it. I'm done with my masterpiece." she said fluffing your curls a little. She gave you a hand held mirror, smiling and waiting for the sound of amazement. You smiled and checked out your hair. It was very beautiful. A masterpiece indeed.

"It's awesome Jade." You say, smiling. You get up and put on your shoes. You wanted simple red heels, but Kanaya insisted on black platform wedges with ankle straps. You were not really brave enough to question her fashion sense......mostly because she somewhat frightened you.

"Just 'awesome'? No, 'magnificence' or 'incredible'? Just awesome?" she huffed, putting her hands on her hips. She squinted at you, expecting a better response.

"Okay, fine. It's incredible." You drawl out, hugging your bestie's waist. She pats your head, showing a smug face.

You get up and inspect yourself in the full length mirror. [outfit shown] You twirled in your dress and smiled. You looked beautiful, and you genuinely thought it.

(AGAIN! Be proud of yourselves, never feel like you're never good enough. You don't have to have and hour glass figure or big breasts to be beautiful! Also know that you ARE loved and you are already perfect in someone's eyes! Hold your head up! You're strong so love yourself! <3)

Kanaya then came in, looking as fabulous as ever in her elegant jade green and black dress ( Porrim's dress). She gasped, putting a hand to her mouth and smiled. "(Y/N) you look amazing." She said kissing your forehead.

You smiled back at her and turned back around. You wonder what Dave's special surprise was. Was it another necklace? Bracelet? A hotel room?

You shake that last thought from you're head. You were gonna keep that cookie in the cookie jar till you saw a ring...maybe. You take a deep breath and walk out of your room, Rose sitting in one of the hallway chairs reading a book. She looked up and smiled.

She stood up, her pale yellow silky dress fell back to her knees, and embraced you. "Absolutely gorgeous." She said placing a hand on your cheek.

You smiled back at her and walked down the stairs to see Dave and Karkat talking. You saw him do a double take when he saw you at the top of the stairs.

You felt blood rush to your cheeks as you walked down the stairs to Dave. Your blush seemed to darken when you saw Dave's jaw agape the entire time you were coming downstairs.

You look away, an uncomfortable look twisting on your face from the foreign reaction. His staring was making you fidget.

"D-Do I l-look okay....?" You ask meekly.

Dave all of a sudden fell out of his trance, putting a hand on your cheek, caressing it with his thumb. "My baby boner is no longer little." He said with a straight face.

You punch him in the arm and laugh. "So I'm guessing that means I look okay?" You scoff. He smirks and kisses your lips.

"Words can't describe how beautiful you look." He smiled. Oh wow, he suddenly got all romantic.

You heard Karkat make a gagging noise behind the two of you. "Can you assholes get a room please. We don't need you two sucking face in the limo." He said crossing his arms.

Jade came down the stairs and put an arms over his shoulder, slightly kissing his neck. "Didn't you suggest we do that earlier Karkitty?" She smiled, giggling slightly.

Ironically Fallen For You (Dave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now